CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Meschini, Marco and Boscardin, M and Dalla Betta, G. F and
                       Dinardo, Mauro and Giacomini, G and Menasce, Dario and
                       Mendicino, R and Messineo, Alberto and Moroni, Luigi and
                       Ronchin, S and Sultan, D.M.S and Uplegger, Lorenzo and
                       Viliani, Lorenzo and Zoi, Irene and Zuolo, Davide",
      title         = "{Pixel Detector Developments for Tracker Upgrades of the
                       High Luminosity LHC}",
      institution   = "CERN",
      reportNumber  = "CMS-CR-2017-190",
      address       = "Geneva",
      year          = "2017",
      url           = "",
      doi           = "10.1007/978-981-13-1316-5_65",