CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title Characteristics of Muon-Electron Events Produced in High Energy Neutrino Interactions
Author(s) Mapp, J (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Camerini, U (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Cline, D (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Fry, J (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; von Krogh, J (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Loveless, R J (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; March, R (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Reeder, D D (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Barbaro-Galtieri, A (LBL, Berkeley) ; Bosetti, P (LBL, Berkeley) ; Lynch, G (LBL, Berkeley) ; Marriner, J (LBL, Berkeley) ; Solmitz, F (LBL, Berkeley) ; Stevenson, M K (LBL, Berkeley) ; Haidt, D (CERN) ; Harigel, G (CERN) ; Wachsmuth, H (CERN) ; Cence, R (Hawaii U.) ; Harris, F (Hawaii U.) ; Parker, S I (Hawaii U.) ; Peters, M ; Peterson, V (Hawaii U.) ; Stenger, V (Hawaii U.)
Publication Orsay, 1976
Number of pages 9
In: Colloques Internationaux du CNRS : La Physique des Anneaux de Collision, Flaine, France, 22 - 28 Fev 1976, pp.319-327
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Abstract The observation of neutrino interactions producing a muon , and an electron among the final state particles implies production of at least one new parti­cle with a new quantum number. Evidence is presented for such events produced using the Fermilah 15' Hydro­gen-Neon Bubble chamber and the external muon identi­fier.

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 レコード 生成: 2017-04-05, 最終変更: 2017-07-31

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