Home > Some results of test beam studies of Transition Radiation Detector prototypes at CERN |
Article | |
Report number | arXiv:1612.02858 |
Title | Some results of test beam studies of Transition Radiation Detector prototypes at CERN |
Author(s) | Tikhomirov, V.O. (Lebedev Inst. ; Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Brooks, T. (CERN) ; Joos, M. (CERN) ; Rembser, C. (CERN) ; Celebi, E. (Bogazici U.) ; Gurbuz, S. (Bogazici U.) ; Cetin, S.A. (Istanbul Bilgi U.) ; Konovalov, S.P. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Zhukov, K. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Fillipov, K.A. (Lebedev Inst. ; Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Romaniouk, A. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Smirnov, S. Yu. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Teterin, P.E. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Vorobev, K.A. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Boldyrev, A.S. (SINP, Moscow) ; Maevsky, A. (SINP, Moscow) ; Derendarz, D. (Cracow, INP) |
Publication | 2017-03-15 |
Imprint | 2016-12-08 |
Number of pages | 5 |
In: | J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 798 (2017) 012183 |
In: | The 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Moscow, Russia, 10 - 14 Oct 2016, pp.012183 |
DOI | 10.1088/1742-6596/798/1/012183 |
Subject category | hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment ; physics.ins-det ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Abstract | Operating conditions and challenging demands of present and future accelerator experiments result in new requirements on detector systems. There are many ongoing activities aimed to develop new technologies and to improve the properties of detectors based on existing technologies. Our work is dedicated to development of Transition Radiation Detectors (TRD) suitable for different applications. In this paper results obtained in beam tests at SPS accelerator at CERN with the TRD prototype based on straw technology are presented. TRD performance was studied as a function of thickness of the transition radiation radiator and working gas mixture pressure. |
Copyright/License | arXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0 publication: © 2017-2025 The Author(s) (License: CC-BY-3.0) |