CERN Accelerating science

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Report number CERN-OPEN-2016-008
Title How partnership accelerates Open Science: High Energy Physics and INSPIRE, a case study of a complex repository ecosystem
Author(s) Dallmeier-Tiessen, Sunje (CERN) ; Hecker, Bernard Louis (SLAC) ; Holtkamp, Annette (CERN) ; Mele, Salvatore (CERN) ; O'Connell, Heath (Fermilab) ; Sachs, Kirsten (DESY) ; Simko, Tibor (CERN) ; Schwander, Thorsten (CERN)
Publication 2013
Imprint 01 Jul 2013
Number of pages 4
Presented at Open Repositories 2013, Charlottetown, Canada, 8 - 12 Jul 2013
Subject category Information Transfer and Management
Abstract Public calls, agency mandates and scientist demand for Open Science are by now a reality with different nuances across diverse research communities. A complex “ecosystem” of services and tools, mostly communityDdriven, will underpin this revolution in science. Repositories stand to accelerate this process, as “openness” evolves beyond text, in lockstep with scholarly communication. We present a case study of a global discipline, HighDEnergy Physics (HEP), where most of these transitions have already taken place in a “social laboratory” of multiple global information services interlinked in a complex, but successful, ecosystem at the service of scientists. We discuss our firstDhand experience, at a technical and organizational level, of leveraging partnership across repositories and with the user community in support of Open Science, along threads relevant to the OR2013 community.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Záznam vytvorený 2016-11-15, zmenený 2016-11-16

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