CERN Accelerating science

Published Articles
Title LHCbDirac: Distributed computing in LHCb
Author(s) Stagni, F (CERN) ; Charpentier, P (CERN) ; Graciani, R (Barcelona U.) ; Tsaregorodtsev, A (Marseille, CPPM) ; Closier, J (CERN) ; Mathe, Z (CERN) ; Ubeda, M (CERN) ; Zhelezov, A (U. Heidelberg (main)) ; Lanciotti, E (CERN) ; Romanovskiy, V (Serpukhov, IHEP) ; Ciba, K D (CERN) ; Casajus, A (Barcelona U.) ; Roiser, S (CERN) ; Sapunov, M (Marseille, CPPM) ; Remenska, D (NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Bernardoff, V (CERN) ; Santana, R (Rio de Janeiro, CBPF) ; Nandakumar, R (Rutherford)
Publication 2012
Imprint 2012
Number of pages 10
In: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 396 (2012) 032104
In: Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012, New York, NY, USA, 21 - 25 May 2012, pp.032104
DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/396/3/032104
Subject category Computing and Computers ; Computing and Computers
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; LHCb
Abstract We present LHCbDirac, an extension of the DIRAC community Grid solution that handles LHCb specificities. The DIRAC software has been developed for many years within LHCb only. Nowadays it is a generic software, used by many scientific communities worldwide. Each community wanting to take advantage of DIRAC has to develop an extension, containing all the necessary code for handling their specific cases. LHCbDirac is an actively developed extension, implementing the LHCb computing model and workflows handling all the distributed computing activities of LHCb. Such activities include real data processing (reconstruction, stripping and streaming), Monte-Carlo simulation and data replication. Other activities are groups and user analysis, data management, resources management and monitoring, data provenance, accounting for user and production jobs. LHCbDirac also provides extensions of the DIRAC interfaces, including a secure web client, python APIs and CLIs. Before putting in production a new release, a number of certification tests are run in a dedicated setup. This contribution highlights the versatility of the system, also presenting the experience with real data processing, data and resources management, monitoring for activities and resources.
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 Record created 2016-05-25, last modified 2022-08-17