\footnotesize{(Color online) Typical hyperfine spectra of the ground and isomeric states in $^{79}$Zn, denoted by asterisks and diamonds, respectively. The three isomeric transitions were confirmed in separate scans around each of the three peaks, as highlighted in the insert. The blue solid lines show the fit with a Lorentzian line profile.}}spectra
\footnotesize{(Color online) Typical hyperfine spectra of the ground and isomeric states in $^{79}$Zn, denoted by asterisks and diamonds, respectively. The three isomeric transitions were confirmed in separate scans around each of the three peaks, as highlighted in the insert. The blue solid lines show the fit with a Lorentzian line profile.}}spectra
\footnotesize{(Color online) Measured $g$-factors of the ground state of $^{79}$Zn and its isomer $^{79m}$Zn together with $g$-factors of $^{65,67,69m,71m}$Zn from Refs. \cite{65Zn-moment,67Zn-moment,6971Zn-moment}. Effective single-particle $g$-factors (dashed lines) are calculated for each orbit, of which the parity is marked in the square brackets.}
\footnotesize{(Color online) Root mean square charge radii of $^{79,79m}$Zn obtained from this work, together with earlier data on other Zn \cite{Znradii} isotopes and calculated rms charge radii using a modern phenomenological model by Wang and Li \cite{Radiical}.}