CERN Accelerating science

Opposite-sign dimuon invariant mass spectra in ZN centrality classes at forward (top) and backward (bottom) rapidities. The fit curves shown in red in the figure correspond to the sum of signal and background shapes, the former being also shown separately in blue.
Left: \psip\ production cross sections shown as a function of $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ for both \mbox{p-Pb} and \mbox{Pb-p} collisions. Right: ${\rm B.R.}_{\psi(\rm 2S)\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-}\sigma_{\psi(\rm 2S)}/{\rm B.R.}_{{\rm J}/\psi\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-}\sigma_{{\rm J}/\psi}$ shown as a function of $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ and compared to the pp value (line), with a band representing its uncertainty. In both figures, vertical error bars correspond to statistical uncertainties, while the open boxes represent the systematic uncertainties. The \mbox{Pb-p} points are slightly shifted in $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ to improve visibility.
Left: \psip\ production cross sections shown as a function of $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ for both \mbox{p-Pb} and \mbox{Pb-p} collisions. Right: ${\rm B.R.}_{\psi(\rm 2S)\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-}\sigma_{\psi(\rm 2S)}/{\rm B.R.}_{{\rm J}/\psi\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-}\sigma_{{\rm J}/\psi}$ shown as a function of $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ and compared to the pp value (line), with a band representing its uncertainty. In both figures, vertical error bars correspond to statistical uncertainties, while the open boxes represent the systematic uncertainties. The \mbox{Pb-p} points are slightly shifted in $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ to improve visibility.
Double ratio $[\sigma_{\psi(\rm 2S)}/\sigma_{{\rm J}/\psi}]_{\rm pPb}/[\sigma_{\psi(\rm 2S)}/\sigma_{{\rm J}/\psi}]_{\rm pp}$ for \mbox{p-Pb} and \mbox{Pb-p} collisions, shown as a function of $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ (\mbox{Pb-p} points are slightly shifted in $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ to improve visibility). The data are compared to PHENIX mid-rapidity results~\cite{Adare:2013ezl} and to the theoretical calculations of Ref.~\cite{Ferreiro:2014bia} and~\cite{Du:2015wha}. The boxes around unity correspond to the global systematic uncertainties at forward (red box) and backward (blue box) rapidities. The grey box is a global systematic uncertainty common to both \mbox{p-Pb} rapidity ranges, while the green box refers to the PHENIX results.
\jpsi~\cite{Adam:2015jsa} and \psip\ nuclear modification factors, $Q_{\rm pPb}$, shown as a function of $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ for the backward (left) and forward (right) rapidity regions and compared to theoretical models~\cite{Vogt:2015uba,Ferreiro:2014bia,Du:2015wha,Arleo:2013zua}. The boxes around unity correspond to the global \psip\ systematic uncertainties at forward (red box) and backward (blue box) rapidities. The grey box is a global systematic uncertainty common to both \jpsi\ and \psip.
\jpsi~\cite{Adam:2015jsa} and \psip\ nuclear modification factors, $Q_{\rm pPb}$, shown as a function of $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$ for the backward (left) and forward (right) rapidity regions and compared to theoretical models~\cite{Vogt:2015uba,Ferreiro:2014bia,Du:2015wha,Arleo:2013zua}. The boxes around unity correspond to the global \psip\ systematic uncertainties at forward (red box) and backward (blue box) rapidities. The grey box is a global systematic uncertainty common to both \jpsi\ and \psip.
Double ratio $[\sigma_{\psi(\rm 2S)}/\sigma_{{\rm J}/\psi}]_{\rm pPb}/[\sigma_{\psi(\rm 2S)}/\sigma_{{\rm J}/\psi}]_{\rm pp}$ shown as a function of $\tau_c$ for the backward and forward rapidity regions. For each $y$-range, the two sets of points were obtained from the centrality analysis and from the $p_{\rm T}$-dependent analysis of Ref.~\cite{Abelev:2014zpa}. Statistical uncertainties are shown as lines, while the total systematic uncertainties are shown as boxes around the points. The results of a corresponding analysis carried out on the PHENIX mid-rapidity data~\cite{Adare:2013ezl} is also shown. The box around unity represents the PHENIX global systematic uncertainty. For the ALICE results, the global uncertainties are different for the various data sets, and are included in the boxes around the points