New solution for the high accuracy alignment of accelerator components (p. 83501) |
by Caiazza, D |
PACMAN Project: A New Solution for the High-accuracy Alignment of Accelerator Components (MOOCB01) |
by Mainaud Durand, Helene |
Metrological Characterization of the Bunch Length Measurement by Means of a RF Deflector at the ELI-NP Compton Gamma source (MOPMB018) |
by Sabato, Luca |
Conceptual Design for SR Monitor in the FCC Beam Emittance (Size) Diagnostic (MOPMB022) |
by Mitsuhashi, Toshiyuki |
Upgrade of the LHC Schottky Monitor, Operational Experience and First Results (MOPMB060) |
by Betz, Michael |
Beam Tests of a Prototype Stripline Beam Position Monitoring System for the Drive Beam of the CLIC Two-beam Module at CTF3 (MOPMR019) |
by Benot-Morell, Alfonso |
A Versatile Beam Loss Monitoring System for CLIC (MOPMR024) |
by Kastriotou, Maria |
Beam Size Estimation from Luminosity Scans at the LHC During 2015 Proton Physics Operation (MOPMR025) |
by Hostettler, Michael |
Beam Instrumentation Performance during Commissioning of CERN's Linac-4 to 50 MeV and 100 MeV (MOPMR026) |
by Raich, Uli |
Employing Beam-Gas Interaction Vertices for Transverse Profile Measurements (MOPMR027) |
by Rihl, Mariana |
Emittance Characterisation of High Brightness Beams in the CERN PS (MOPMR028) |
by Sterbini, Guido |
Experience with DOROS BPMs for Coupling Measurement and Correction (MOPMR029) |
by Persson, Tobias |
Performance of the Upgraded Synchrotron Radiation Diagnostics at the LHC (MOPMR030) |
by Trad, Georges |
Investigation of Injection Losses at the Large Hadron Collider with Diamond Based Particle Detectors (MOPMR031) |
by Stein, Oliver |
Review of Emittance Diagnostics for Space Charge Dominated Beams for AWAKE e⁻ Injector (MOPMR039) |
by Mete Apsimon, Oznur |
High Resolution and Dynamic Range Characterisation of Beam Imaging Systems (MOPMR045) |
by Welsch, Carsten |
Characterizing Supersonic Gas Jet-based Beam Profile Monitors (MOPMR046) |
by Zhang, Hao |
Design of the New Wideband RF System for the CERN PS Booster (MOPMW024) |
by Paoluzzi, Mauro |
Beam Induced RF Heating in LHC in 2015 (MOPOR008) |
by Salvant, Benoit |
The HL-LHC Impedance Model and Aspects of Beam Stability (MOPOR009) |
by Biancacci, Nicolo |
Impedance Measurements and Simulations on the TCTP and TDI LHC Collimators (MOPOR010) |
by Biancacci, Nicolo |
Impedance Localization Measurements using AC Dipoles in the LHC (MOPOR011) |
by Biancacci, Nicolo |
Study of the Beam-Cavity Interaction in the PS 10 MHz RF System (MOPOR012) |
by Favia, Giorgia |
The PS 10 MHz High Level RF System Upgrade (MOPOR013) |
by Favia, Giorgia |
Measurements of the CERN PS Longitudinal Resistive Coupling Impedance (MOPOR014) |
by Migliorati, Mauro |
Space Charge Studies with High Intensity Single Bunch Beams in the CERN SPS (MOPOR021) |
by Bartosik, Hannes |
Beam Dynamics Observations of the 2015 High Intensity Scrubbing Runs at the Cern Sps (MOPOR022) |
by Bartosik, Hannes |
Flat Bunches with a Hollow Distribution for Space Charge Mitigation (MOPOR023) |
by Oeftiger, Adrian |
Evolution of High Intensity Beams in the CERN PS Booster after H⁻ Injection and Phase Space Painting (MOPOR024) |
by Cieslak-Kowalska, Magdalena |
3D Emittances Tailoring Techniques and Optimization with Space Charge for the Future CERN PS Booster Operations with Linac4 (MOPOR025) |
by Forte, Vincenzo |
Measurement of the Energy Distribution Function of Electrons Generated by Radio-frequency Induced Multipacting in a Beam Pipe (MOPOR026) |
by Van Gompel, Matthias |
Measurement of beam phase at FLASH using HOMs in accelerating cavities (MOPOR039) |
by Shi, Lianliang |
Design Optimization of an X-band based FEL (MOPOW036) |
by Aksoy, Avni |
Preparations for Upgrading the RF Systems of the PS Booster (MOPOY006) |
by Albright, Simon |
High Energy Booster Options for a Future Circular Collider at CERN (MOPOY007) |
by Stoel, Linda |
ELENA: Installations and Preparations for Commissioning (MOPOY009) |
by Carli, Christian |
Removing Known SPS Intensity Limitations for High Luminosity LHC Goals (MOPOY058) |
by Shaposhnikova, Elena |
LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) Project at CERN (MOPOY059) |
by Shaposhnikova, Elena |
Review of Linear Optics Measurements and Corrections in Accelerators (MOYCA01) |
by Tomás, Rogelio |
Design and Optimisation Strategies of Nonlinear Dynamics for Diffraction Limited Synchrotron Light Source (MOZA02) |
by Bartolini, R. |
Optics-measurement-based BPM Calibration (THPMB041) |
by Garcia-Tabares, Ana |
Residual Orbit Correction Studies for the FCC-hh (THPMB042) |
by Boutin, David |
Progress in Ultra-Low β* Study at ATF2 (THPMB043) |
by Patecki, Marcin |
Limitations on Optics Measurements in the LHC (THPMB044) |
by Skowroński, Piotr |
Comparison of Optics Measurement Methods in ESRF (THPMB045) |
by Malina, Lukas |
Status and Plans for Completion of the Experimental Programme of the Clic Test Facility Ctf3 (THPMB046) |
by Skowroński, Piotr |
Beam Dynamics Studies of the ELENA Electrostatic Transfer Lines in the Presence of Magnetic Stray Fields (THPMB047) |
by Jentzsch, Jennifer |
Design and Optimisation of the ELENA Electron Cooler Gun and Collector (THPMB048) |
by Tranquille, Gerard |
Witness Beam Production with an RF Gun and a Travelling Wave Booster Linac for AWAKE Experiment at CERN (THPMB056) |
by Mete Apsimon, Oznur |
Improved Methods for the Measurement and Simulation of the CERN SPS Non-linear Optics (THPMR036) |
by Bartosik, Hannes |
Observations of Resonance Driving Terms in the LHC during Runs I and II (THPMR037) |
by Carlier, Felix |
Non-Linear Errors in the Experimental Insertions of the LHC (THPMR038) |
by Maclean, Ewen |
Commissioning of Non-linear Optics in the LHC at Injection Energy (THPMR039) |
by Maclean, Ewen |
Local Optics Corrections in the HL-LHC IR (THPMR040) |
by Coello de Portugal, Jaime Maria |
Implementation of High Order Symplectic Integrators with Positive Steps in Tracking Programs (THPMR041) |
by Skoufaris, Kyriacos |
Design Guidelines for the Injector Complex of the FCC-ee (THPMR042) |
by Papaphilippou, Y. |
Performance of Transverse Beam Splitting and Extraction at the CERN Proton Synchrotron in the Framework of Multi-turn Extraction (THPMR043) |
by Sterbini, Guido |
Short Term Dynamic Aperture with AC Dipoles (THPMR044) |
by Mönig, Saskia |
CLIC Beam Delivery System Rebaselining and Long L* Lattice Optimization (THPMR045) |
by Plassard, Fabien |
Advanced BBA Techniques for the Final Focuses of Future Linear Colliders (THPMR046) |
by Snuverink, Jochem |
Two-beam Tuning in the CLIC BDS (THPMR047) |
by Snuverink, Jochem |
High Voltage Supply for Particle Accelerators Based on Modular Multilevel Converters (THPMW014) |
by Asimakopoulos, Panagiotis |
The RF Design of a Compact, High Power Pulse Compressor with a Flat Output Pulse (THPMW022) |
by Wang, Ping |
High Voltage Performance of Surface Coatings on Alumina Insulators (THPMW028) |
by Adraktas, Antonios |
Feasibility Study of the Fast SPS Ion Injection Kicker System (THPMW029) |
by Ferrero Colomo, Alvaro |
Studies of Impedance-related Improvements of the SPS Injection Kicker System (THPMW030) |
by Barnes, Michael |
Current and Future Beam Thermal Behaviour of the LHC Injection Kicker Magnet (THPMW031) |
by Day, Hugo |
Measurements on Magnetic Cores for Inductive Adders with Ultra-Flat Output Pulses for CLIC DR Kickers (THPMW032) |
by Holma, Janne |
Operational Experience of the Upgraded LHC Injection Kicker Magnets (THPMW033) |
by Barnes, Michael |
Review on the Effects of Characteristic Impedance Mismatching in a Stripline Kicker (THPMW034) |
by Belver-Aguilar, Carolina |
Considerations on an Upgrade Possibility of the LHC Beam Dump Kicker System (THPMW035) |
by Fraser, Matthew |
Analysis and Testing of a New RF Bridge Concept as an Alternative to Conventional Sliding RF Fingers in LHC (THPMY006) |
by Perez Espinos, Jaime |
Vacuum Performance of Amorphous Carbon Coating at Cryogenic Temperature with Presence of Proton Beams (THPMY007) |
by Salemme, Roberto |
Mechanical and Vacuum Stability Studies for the LHC Experiments Upgrade (THPMY008) |
by Sestak, Josef |
Coaxial Wire Method Adapted to Weakly Coupled Resonator Mode for LHC RF Fingers Evaluation (THPMY009) |
by Vollinger, Christine |
LHC Beam Vacuum Evolution During 2015 Machine Operation (THPMY010) |
by Yin Vallgren, Christina |
A comparison of surface properties of metallic thin film photocathodes (THPMY017) |
by Mistry, Sonal |
LHC Injection Protection Devices, Thermo-mechanical Studies through the Design Phase (THPMY019) |
by Lamas Garcia, Inigo |
The Hiradmat 27 Experiment: Exploring High-Density Materials Response at Extreme Conditions for Antiproton Production (THPMY023) |
by Torregrosa, Claudio |
How to Manage a Large Scale Beam Line Consolidation in a Highly Activated Area? (THPMY030) |
by Evrard, Sebastien |
RF Synchronization and Distribution for AWAKE at CERN (THPMY039) |
by Damerau, Heiko |
Tolerance Studies and Dispersion Free Steering for Extreme Low Emittance in the FCC-ee Project (THPOR001) |
by Aumon, Sandra |
Chromaticity Compensation Schemes for the Arc Lattice of the FCC-ee Collider (THPOR002) |
by Härer, Bastian |
Tapering Options and Emittance Fine Tuning for the FCC-ee Collider (THPOR003) |
by Härer, Bastian |
Optics measurements and corrections at the early commissioning of SuperKEKB (THPOR007) |
by Ohnishi, Y |
Momentum acceptance optimization in FCC-ee lattice (CERN) (THPOR019) |
by Bogomyagkov, Anton |
Design of Beam Optics for the FCC-ee Collider Ring (THPOR022) |
by Oide, Katsunobu |
The FCC-ee Interaction Region Magnet Design (THPOR023) |
by Koratzinos, Michael |
Electrical Power Budget for FCC-ee (THPOR024) |
by Aull, S. |
Numerical Analysis of Stresses for the Target of the ILC 300 Hz Conventional Positron Source (THPOR028) |
by Jin, Song |
First Start-to-End BBA Results in the CLIC RTML (THPOR029) |
by Han, Yanliang |
Beam-Loading Effect on Breakdown Rate in High-Gradient Accelerating Structures (THPOR031) |
by Tecker, Frank |
Effect and Optimisation of Non-Linear Chromatic Aberrations of the CLIC Drive Beam Recombination at CTF3 (THPOR032) |
by Gamba, Davide |
Integration and Testing of 3 Consecutive CLIC Two-Beam Modules (THPOR033) |
by Vamvakas, Alexios |
Bunch-by-bunch Position and Angle Stabilisation at ATF based on Sub-micron Resolution Stripline Beam Position Monitors (THPOR034) |
by Blaskovic Kraljevic, Neven |
Development of a Low-latency, Micrometre-level Precision, Intra-train Beam Feedback System based on Cavity Beam Position Monitors (THPOR035) |
by Blaskovic Kraljevic, Neven |
TW-Structure Design and E-Field Study for CLIC Booster Linac (THPOR037) |
by Darvish Roknabadi, Esmat |
High Gradient Properties of a CLIC Prototype Accelerating Structure made by Tsinghua University (THPOR041) |
by Wu, Xiaowei |
New Quantity Describing the Pulse Shape Dependence of the High Gradient Limit in Single Cell Standing-Wave Accelerating Structures (THPOR042) |
by Shi, Jiaru |
High Power Test of X-band Single Cell HOM-free Choke-mode Damped Accelerating Structure made by Tsinghua University (THPOR043) |
by Wu, Xiaowei |
Beam Losses at CERNs PS and SPS Measured with Diamond Particle Detectors (THPOR048) |
by Burkart, Florian |
Considerations for the Injection and Extraction Kicker Systems of a 100 TeV Centre-of-Mass FCC-hh Collider (THPOR049) |
by Kramer, Thomas |
New Working Point for CERN Proton Synchrotron (THPOR050) |
by Sperati, Flavia |
Beam Based Measurements to Check Integrity of LHC Dump Protection Elements (THPOR051) |
by Bracco, Chiara |
A Beam-based Measurement of the LHC Beam Dump Kicker Waveform (THPOR052) |
by Fraser, Matthew |
Analysis of the SPS Long Term Orbit Drifts (THPOR054) |
by Velotti, Francesco |
Characterisation of the SPS Slow-extraction Parameters (THPOR055) |
by Velotti, Francesco |
Study of the Performance of Cs2Te Cathodes in the PHIN RF Photoinjector using Long Pulse Trains (THPOW015) |
by Heßler, Christoph |
Dependability Studies for CERN PS Booster RF System Upgrade (THPOY030) |
by Rey Orozko, Odei |
CERN Beam Interlock Redundant Dump Trigger Module Performance during LHC Run 2 (THPOY041) |
by Calcoen, Daniel |
Evolution and Perspectives of Second Generation Magnet Interlock Systems at CERN (THPOY042) |
by Romera, Iván |
Time Scale of Crab Cavity Failures Relevant for High Luminosity LHC (THPOY043) |
by Sjobak, Kyrre |
Experimental Setup to Measure the Damage Limits of Superconducting Magnets due to Beam Impact at CERN's HiRadMat Facility (THPOY044) |
by Kleiven, David |
Commissioning of the Machine Protection Systems of the Large Hadron Collider Following its First Long Shutdown (THPOY045) |
by Wollmann, Daniel |
Data Analysis and System Survey Framework for the LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System (THPOY046) |
by Xu, Chen |
Advanced Concepts and Methods for Very High Intensity Linacs (THYA01) |
by Nghiem, Phu Anh Phi |
CERN AWAKE Facility Readiness for First Beam (TUOBB03) |
by Bracco, Chiara |
Magnetic Measurements of SESAME Storage Ring Dipoles at ALBA (TUPMB018) |
by Marcos, Jordi |
Instruments and Methods for the Magnetic Measurement of the Super-FRS Magnets (TUPMB037) |
by Golluccio, Giancarlo |
Degradation of the Insulation of the LHC Main Dipole Cable when Exposed to High Temperatures (TUPMB038) |
by Raginel, Vivien |
LHC Accelerator Fault Tracker - First Experience (TUPMB040) |
by Apollonio, Andrea |
Compensation of Beam Induced Effects in LHC Cryogenic Systems (TUPMB048) |
by Bradu, Benjamin |
High Intensity Beam Test of Low Z Materials for the Upgrade of SPS-to-LHC Transfer Line Collimators and LHC Injection Absorbers (TUPMB052) |
by Maciariello, Fausto |
The ELENA Electron Cooler (TUPMR006) |
by Tranquille, Gerard |
Measurements of the Beam Phase Response to Correcting Magnetic Fields in PSI Cyclotrons (TUPMR019) |
by Parfenova, Angelina |
First Operational Experience of HIE-Isolde (TUPMR023) |
by Rodriguez, Jose |
CERN's Fixed Target Primary Ion Programme (TUPMR027) |
by Manglunki, Django |
Sources of Emittance Growth at the CERN PS Booster to PS Transfer (TUPMR046) |
by Bartmann, Wolfgang |
Conceptual Design Considerations for the 50 TeV FCC Beam Dump Insertion (TUPMR047) |
by Burkart, Florian |
SPS Injection and Beam Quality for LHC Heavy Ions With 150 ns Kicker Rise Time (TUPMR048) |
by Goddard, Brennan |
Feasibility Study of the PS Injection for 2 GeV LIU Beams with an Upgraded KFA-45 Injection Kicker System Operating in Short Circuit Mode (TUPMR049) |
by Kramer, Thomas |
Upgrades to the SPS-to-LHC Transfer Line Beam Stoppers for the LHC High-Luminosity Era (TUPMR050) |
by Kain, Verena |
New Spill Control for the Slow Extraction in the Multi-Cycling SPS (TUPMR051) |
by Kain, Verena |
Commissioning Preparation of the AWAKE Proton Beam Line (TUPMR052) |
by Schmidt, Janet |
Simulation of the FCC-hh collimation system (TUPMR054) |
by Molson, James |
LHC Luminosity Modeling for RUNII (TUPMW002) |
by Antoniou, Fanouria |
Integration, Configuration and Coordination: from Project to Reality, at CERN (TUPMW003) |
by Barberan Marin, Maria |
Assessment and Mitigation of the Proton-Proton Collision Debris Impact on the FCC Triplet (TUPMW004) |
by Besana, Maria Ilaria |
Characterization of the Radiation Field in the FCC-hh Detector (TUPMW005) |
by Besana, Maria Ilaria |
Power Deposition in LHC Magnets Due to Bound-Free Pair Production in the Experimental Insertions (TUPMW006) |
by Bahamonde Castro, Cristina |
Impact of Long Range Beam-Beam Effects on Intensity and Luminosity Lifetimes from the 2015 LHC Run (TUPMW007) |
by Crouch, Matthew |
Evolution of the Beam Parameters during Luminosity Production in the Future Circular Hadron Collider (TUPMW008) |
by Buffat, Xavier |
Simulation of Head-on Beam-Beam Limitations in Future High Energy Colliders (TUPMW009) |
by Buffat, Xavier |
Current Status of Instability Threshold Measurements in the LHC at 6.5 TeV (TUPMW011) |
by Carver, Lee |
Beam Offset Stabilization Techniques for the LHC Collision Points (TUPMW012) |
by Gorzawski, Arkadiusz |
Experimental Demonstration of β* Leveling at the LHC (TUPMW013) |
by Gorzawski, Arkadiusz |
Improved Aperture Measurements at the LHC and Results from their Application in 2015 (TUPMW014) |
by Hermes, Pascal |
Symplectic Tracking of Multi-Isotopic Heavy-Ion Beams in SixTrack (TUPMW015) |
by Hermes, Pascal |
Effect of the LHC Beam Screen Baffle on the Electron Cloud Buildup (TUPMW016) |
by Romano, Annalisa |
Electron Cloud Observations during LHC Operation with 25 ns Beams (TUPMW017) |
by Li, Kevin |
Radiation Load Optimization in the Final Focus System of FCC-hh (TUPMW018) |
by Martin, Roman |
First Evaluation of Dynamic Aperture at Injection for FCC-hh (TUPMW019) |
by Dalena, Barbara |
Status of the Beam Optics of the Future Hadron-Hadron Collider FCC-hh (TUPMW020) |
by Chancé, Antoine |
Roman Pot Insertions in High-Intensity Beams for the CT-PPS Project at LHC (TUPMW021) |
by Deile, Mario |
Modelling and Measurements of Bunch Profiles at the LHC Flat Bottom (TUPMW022) |
by Papadopoulou, Stefania |
Macroparticle-Induced Losses During 6.5 TeV LHC Operation (TUPMW023) |
by Papotti, Giulia |
Machine Protection from Fast Crab Cavity Failures in the High Luminosity LHC (TUPMW025) |
by Santamaría García, Andrea |
Feed-Forward Corrections for Tune and Chromaticity Injection Decay During 2015 LHC Operation (TUPMW026) |
by Solfaroli Camillocci, Matteo |
The 2015 Heavy-Ion Run of the LHC (TUPMW027) |
by Jowett, John |
Bound-Free Pair Production in LHC Pb-Pb Operation at 6.37 Z TeV per Beam (TUPMW028) |
by Jowett, John |
Tune and Chromaticity Control During Snapback and Ramp in 2015 LHC Operation (TUPMW029) |
by Schaumann, Michaela |
Review of LHC On-line Model Implementation and of its Applications (TUPMW030) |
by Persson, Tobias |
Combined Ramp and Squeeze to 6.5 TeV in the LHC (TUPMW031) |
by Solfaroli Camillocci, Matteo |
A 200 MHz SC-RF System for the HL-LHC (TUPMW034) |
by Calaga, Rama |
Performance and Operational Aspects of HL-LHC Scenarios (TUPMW035) |
by Medina Medrano, Luis |
Optimizing Chromatic Coupling Measurement in the LHC (TUPMW036) |
by Persson, Tobias |
Luminosity Targets for FCC-hh (TUPMW037) |
by Zimmermann, F. |
Effect of the Various Impedances on Longitudinal Beam Stability in the CERN SPS (TUPOR008) |
by Lasheen, Alexandre |
Single Bunch Longitudinal Instability in the CERN SPS (TUPOR009) |
by Lasheen, Alexandre |
Simulation of Instability at Transition Energy with a New Impedance Model for CERN PS (TUPOR010) |
by Wang, Na |
Analysis of multi-bunch instabilities at the Diamond storage ring (TUPOR013) |
by Bartolini, Riccardo |
Beam-beam Simulation of Crab Cavity with Frequence Dependent Noise for LHC Upgrade (TUPOR017) |
by Qiang, Ji |
Excitation of Longitudinal Coupled-bunch Oscillations with the Wide-band Cavity in the CERN PS (TUPOR028) |
by Ventura, Letizia |
Beam Energy Deposition from PS Booster and Production Rates of Selected Medical Radioisotopes in the CERN-MEDICIS Target (TUPOY017) |
by Gonsalves, Basil |
A compact and high current FFAG for the production of radioisotopes for medical application (TUPOY023) |
by Bruton, David |
Beam Commissioning of the HIE-ISOLDE Post-Accelerator (WEOBA01) |
by Rodriguez, Jose |
Status of Wakefield Monitor Experiments at the CLIC Test Facility (WEOBB02) |
by Lillestøl, Reidar |
Operation of the LHC with Protons at High Luminosity and High Energy (WEOCA01) |
by Papotti, Giulia |
Simulating Proton Synchrotron Radiation in the Arcs of the LHC, HL-LHC, and FCC-hh (WEOCA03) |
by Guillermo Cantón, Gerardo |
HIE-ISOLDE: First Commissioning Experience (WEPMB051) |
by Venturini Delsolaro, Walter |
LHC Crab Cavity Coupler Test Boxes (WEPMB058) |
by Mitchell, James |
Frequency Tuning for a DQW Crab Cavity (WEPMR038) |
by Verdú-Andrés, Silvia |
Analysis of Electrical Energy Consumption of Accelerator Reserach Facilities (WEPMR043) |
by Stadlmann, J |
openSE: A Systems engineering framework particularly suited to particle accelerator studies and development projects (WEPMR055) |
by Bonnal, Pierre |
Septum Magnet using a Superconducting Shield (WEPMR056) |
by Barna, Daniel |
A CLIC Damping Wiggler Prototype at ANKA: Commissioning and Preparations for a Beam Dynamics Experimental Program (WEPMW002) |
by Bernhard, Axel |
Nonlinear Optimization of CLIC DRS New Design with Variable Bends and High Field Wigglers (WEPMW003) |
by Ghasem, H. |
First Design of a Proton Collimation System for 50 TeV FCC-hh (WEPMW006) |
by Fiascaris, Maria |
Validation of Off-momentum Cleaning Performance of the LHC Collimation System (WEPMW007) |
by Salvachua, Belen |
Possible Beam Parameters in Double RF Operation of the CERN LHC (WEPMW008) |
by Shaposhnikova, Elena |
Towards a Monochromatization Scheme for Direct Higgs Production at FCC-ee (WEPMW009) |
by Valdivia Garcia, Marco Alan |
Effect of Beamstrahlung on Bunch Length and Emittance in Future Circular e+e- Colliders (WEPMW010) |
by Valdivia Garcia, Marco Alan |
First Attempts at using Active Halo Control at the LHC (WEPMW028) |
by Wagner, Joschka |
Simulation of Heavy-Ion Beam Losses with the SixTrack-FLUKA Active Coupling (WEPMW029) |
by Hermes, Pascal |
Cleaning Performance of the Collimation System of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (WEPMW030) |
by Mirarchi, Daniele |
Towards Optimum Material Choices for HL-LHC Collimator Upgrade (WEPMW031) |
by Quaranta, E. |
Radiation-Induced Effects on LHC Collimator Materials under Extreme Beam Conditions (WEPMW032) |
by Quaranta, E. |
Validation of Simulation Tools for Fast Beam Failure Studies in the LHC (WEPMW033) |
by Quaranta, Elena |
First Operational Experience with Embedded Collimator BPMs in the LHC (WEPMW034) |
by Valentino, Gianluca |
MERLIN Cleaning Studies with Advanced Collimator Materials for HL-LHC (WEPMW036) |
by Valloni, A. |
MERLIN Simulations of the LHC Collimation System with 6.5 TeV Beams (WEPMW037) |
by Valloni, Alessandra |
Towards Awake Applications: Electron Beam Acceleration in a Proton Driven Plasma Wake (WEPMY008) |
by Adli, Erik |
Transverse Tolerances of a Multi-Stage Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (WEPMY009) |
by Lindstrøm, Carl |
Considerations for a Drive Beam Scheme for a Plasma Wakefield Linear Collider (WEPMY010) |
by Pfingstner, Juergen |
AWAKE, the Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (WEPMY019) |
by Muggli, Patric |
Integration of a Terawatt Laser at the CERN SPS Beam for the AWAKE Experiment on Proton-Driven Plasma Wake Acceleration (WEPMY020) |
by Fedosseev, Valentin |
Beam-Plasma Interaction Simulations for the AWAKE Experiment at CERN (WEPMY021) |
by Petrenko, Alexey |
A Spectrometer for Proton Driven Plasma Accelerated Electrons at AWAKE - Recent Developments (WEPMY024) |
by Deacon, Lawrence |
Ground Motion Compensation using Feed-forward Control at ATF2 (WEPOR005) |
by Bett, Douglas |
Demonstration of CLIC Level Phase Stability using a High Bandwidth, Low Latency Drive Beam Phase Feedforward System at the CLIC Test Facility CTF3 (WEPOR006) |
by Roberts, Jack |
Recent Improvements in Drive Beam Stability in CTF3 (WEPOR007) |
by Malina, Lukas |
Intra-beam IP Feedback Studies for the 380 GeV CLIC Beam Delivery System (WEPOR009) |
by Bodenstein, Ryan |
Recent Upgrades to the CERN SPS Wideband Intra-bunch Transverse Feedback Processor (WEPOR010) |
by Dusatko, John |
Pre-alignment of Accelerating Structures for Compact Acceleration and High Gradient using In-situ Radiofrequency Methods (WEPOR016) |
by Galindo Munoz, Natalia |
A Micrometric Positioning Sensor for Laser-Based Alignment (WEPOR017) |
by Stern, Guillaume |
Position Monitoring System for HL-LHC Crab Cavities (WEPOR018) |
by Sosin, Mateusz |
Concept of a Fire and Gas Safety System for Accelerators (WEPOR029) |
by Dole, Michael |
Second Generation LHC Analysis Framework: Workload-based and User-oriented Solution (WEPOR051) |
by Boychenko, Serhiy |
Study of double triple bend achromat (DTBA) lattice for a 3GeV light source (WEPOW044) |
by Alekou, Androula |
Concepts for a low emittance-high capacity storage ring for the Diamond Light Source (WEPOW045) |
by Bartolini, Riccardo |
Simulation of electromagnetic scattering through the E-XFEL third harmonic cavity module (WEPOY007) |
by Joshi, N.Y |
First BTF Measurements at the Large Hadron Collider (WEPOY030) |
by Tambasco, Claudia |
Review of CPU and GPU Faddeeva Implementations (WEPOY044) |
by Oeftiger, Adrian |
Benchmarking the Beam Longitudinal Dynamics Code BLonD (WEPOY045) |
by Timko, Helga |
Beam Delivery Simulation: BDSIM - Automatic Geant4 Models of Accelerators (WEPOY046) |
by Nevay, Laurence |
LHC Collimation and Energy Deposition Studies Using Beam Delivery Simulation (BDSIM) (WEPOY047) |
by Nevay, Laurence |