CERN Accélérateur de science

Conference title 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) IPAC'16
Date(s), location 8 - 13 May 2016, Busan, Korea
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Kim, Kyung Sook (ed.) (Pohang Accelerator Lab.) ; Petit-Jean-Genaz, Christine (ed.) (CERN) ; Ko, In Soo (ed.) (Pohang Accelerator Lab.) ; Kim, Kyung Ryul (ed.) (Pohang Accelerator Lab.) ; Schaa, Volker R.W. (ed.) (Darmstadt, GSI)
Imprint Geneva : JACoW, 2016
ISBN 9783954501472 (electronic version)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C16-05-08
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

New solution for the high accuracy alignment of accelerator components (p. 83501)
by Caiazza, D
PACMAN Project: A New Solution for the High-accuracy Alignment of Accelerator Components (MOOCB01)
by Mainaud Durand, Helene
Metrological Characterization of the Bunch Length Measurement by Means of a RF Deflector at the ELI-NP Compton Gamma source (MOPMB018)
by Sabato, Luca
Conceptual Design for SR Monitor in the FCC Beam Emittance (Size) Diagnostic (MOPMB022)
by Mitsuhashi, Toshiyuki
Upgrade of the LHC Schottky Monitor, Operational Experience and First Results (MOPMB060)
by Betz, Michael
Beam Tests of a Prototype Stripline Beam Position Monitoring System for the Drive Beam of the CLIC Two-beam Module at CTF3 (MOPMR019)
by Benot-Morell, Alfonso
A Versatile Beam Loss Monitoring System for CLIC (MOPMR024)
by Kastriotou, Maria
Beam Size Estimation from Luminosity Scans at the LHC During 2015 Proton Physics Operation (MOPMR025)
by Hostettler, Michael
Beam Instrumentation Performance during Commissioning of CERN's Linac-4 to 50 MeV and 100 MeV (MOPMR026)
by Raich, Uli
Employing Beam-Gas Interaction Vertices for Transverse Profile Measurements (MOPMR027)
by Rihl, Mariana
Emittance Characterisation of High Brightness Beams in the CERN PS (MOPMR028)
by Sterbini, Guido
Experience with DOROS BPMs for Coupling Measurement and Correction (MOPMR029)
by Persson, Tobias
Performance of the Upgraded Synchrotron Radiation Diagnostics at the LHC (MOPMR030)
by Trad, Georges
Investigation of Injection Losses at the Large Hadron Collider with Diamond Based Particle Detectors (MOPMR031)
by Stein, Oliver
Review of Emittance Diagnostics for Space Charge Dominated Beams for AWAKE e⁻ Injector (MOPMR039)
by Mete Apsimon, Oznur
High Resolution and Dynamic Range Characterisation of Beam Imaging Systems (MOPMR045)
by Welsch, Carsten
Characterizing Supersonic Gas Jet-based Beam Profile Monitors (MOPMR046)
by Zhang, Hao
Design of the New Wideband RF System for the CERN PS Booster (MOPMW024)
by Paoluzzi, Mauro
Beam Induced RF Heating in LHC in 2015 (MOPOR008)
by Salvant, Benoit
The HL-LHC Impedance Model and Aspects of Beam Stability (MOPOR009)
by Biancacci, Nicolo
Impedance Measurements and Simulations on the TCTP and TDI LHC Collimators (MOPOR010)
by Biancacci, Nicolo
Impedance Localization Measurements using AC Dipoles in the LHC (MOPOR011)
by Biancacci, Nicolo
Study of the Beam-Cavity Interaction in the PS 10 MHz RF System (MOPOR012)
by Favia, Giorgia
The PS 10 MHz High Level RF System Upgrade (MOPOR013)
by Favia, Giorgia
Measurements of the CERN PS Longitudinal Resistive Coupling Impedance (MOPOR014)
by Migliorati, Mauro
Space Charge Studies with High Intensity Single Bunch Beams in the CERN SPS (MOPOR021)
by Bartosik, Hannes
Beam Dynamics Observations of the 2015 High Intensity Scrubbing Runs at the Cern Sps (MOPOR022)
by Bartosik, Hannes
Flat Bunches with a Hollow Distribution for Space Charge Mitigation (MOPOR023)
by Oeftiger, Adrian
Evolution of High Intensity Beams in the CERN PS Booster after H⁻ Injection and Phase Space Painting (MOPOR024)
by Cieslak-Kowalska, Magdalena
3D Emittances Tailoring Techniques and Optimization with Space Charge for the Future CERN PS Booster Operations with Linac4 (MOPOR025)
by Forte, Vincenzo
Measurement of the Energy Distribution Function of Electrons Generated by Radio-frequency Induced Multipacting in a Beam Pipe (MOPOR026)
by Van Gompel, Matthias
Measurement of beam phase at FLASH using HOMs in accelerating cavities (MOPOR039)
by Shi, Lianliang
Design Optimization of an X-band based FEL (MOPOW036)
by Aksoy, Avni
Preparations for Upgrading the RF Systems of the PS Booster (MOPOY006)
by Albright, Simon
High Energy Booster Options for a Future Circular Collider at CERN (MOPOY007)
by Stoel, Linda
ELENA: Installations and Preparations for Commissioning (MOPOY009)
by Carli, Christian
Removing Known SPS Intensity Limitations for High Luminosity LHC Goals (MOPOY058)
by Shaposhnikova, Elena
LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) Project at CERN (MOPOY059)
by Shaposhnikova, Elena
Review of Linear Optics Measurements and Corrections in Accelerators (MOYCA01)
by Tomás, Rogelio
Design and Optimisation Strategies of Nonlinear Dynamics for Diffraction Limited Synchrotron Light Source (MOZA02)
by Bartolini, R.
Optics-measurement-based BPM Calibration (THPMB041)
by Garcia-Tabares, Ana
Residual Orbit Correction Studies for the FCC-hh (THPMB042)
by Boutin, David
Progress in Ultra-Low β* Study at ATF2 (THPMB043)
by Patecki, Marcin
Limitations on Optics Measurements in the LHC (THPMB044)
by Skowroński, Piotr
Comparison of Optics Measurement Methods in ESRF (THPMB045)
by Malina, Lukas
Status and Plans for Completion of the Experimental Programme of the Clic Test Facility Ctf3 (THPMB046)
by Skowroński, Piotr
Beam Dynamics Studies of the ELENA Electrostatic Transfer Lines in the Presence of Magnetic Stray Fields (THPMB047)
by Jentzsch, Jennifer
Design and Optimisation of the ELENA Electron Cooler Gun and Collector (THPMB048)
by Tranquille, Gerard
Witness Beam Production with an RF Gun and a Travelling Wave Booster Linac for AWAKE Experiment at CERN (THPMB056)
by Mete Apsimon, Oznur
Improved Methods for the Measurement and Simulation of the CERN SPS Non-linear Optics (THPMR036)
by Bartosik, Hannes
Observations of Resonance Driving Terms in the LHC during Runs I and II (THPMR037)
by Carlier, Felix
Non-Linear Errors in the Experimental Insertions of the LHC (THPMR038)
by Maclean, Ewen
Commissioning of Non-linear Optics in the LHC at Injection Energy (THPMR039)
by Maclean, Ewen
Local Optics Corrections in the HL-LHC IR (THPMR040)
by Coello de Portugal, Jaime Maria
Implementation of High Order Symplectic Integrators with Positive Steps in Tracking Programs (THPMR041)
by Skoufaris, Kyriacos
Design Guidelines for the Injector Complex of the FCC-ee (THPMR042)
by Papaphilippou, Y.
Performance of Transverse Beam Splitting and Extraction at the CERN Proton Synchrotron in the Framework of Multi-turn Extraction (THPMR043)
by Sterbini, Guido
Short Term Dynamic Aperture with AC Dipoles (THPMR044)
by Mönig, Saskia
CLIC Beam Delivery System Rebaselining and Long L* Lattice Optimization (THPMR045)
by Plassard, Fabien
Advanced BBA Techniques for the Final Focuses of Future Linear Colliders (THPMR046)
by Snuverink, Jochem
Two-beam Tuning in the CLIC BDS (THPMR047)
by Snuverink, Jochem
High Voltage Supply for Particle Accelerators Based on Modular Multilevel Converters (THPMW014)
by Asimakopoulos, Panagiotis
The RF Design of a Compact, High Power Pulse Compressor with a Flat Output Pulse (THPMW022)
by Wang, Ping
High Voltage Performance of Surface Coatings on Alumina Insulators (THPMW028)
by Adraktas, Antonios
Feasibility Study of the Fast SPS Ion Injection Kicker System (THPMW029)
by Ferrero Colomo, Alvaro
Studies of Impedance-related Improvements of the SPS Injection Kicker System (THPMW030)
by Barnes, Michael
Current and Future Beam Thermal Behaviour of the LHC Injection Kicker Magnet (THPMW031)
by Day, Hugo
Measurements on Magnetic Cores for Inductive Adders with Ultra-Flat Output Pulses for CLIC DR Kickers (THPMW032)
by Holma, Janne
Operational Experience of the Upgraded LHC Injection Kicker Magnets (THPMW033)
by Barnes, Michael
Review on the Effects of Characteristic Impedance Mismatching in a Stripline Kicker (THPMW034)
by Belver-Aguilar, Carolina
Considerations on an Upgrade Possibility of the LHC Beam Dump Kicker System (THPMW035)
by Fraser, Matthew
Analysis and Testing of a New RF Bridge Concept as an Alternative to Conventional Sliding RF Fingers in LHC (THPMY006)
by Perez Espinos, Jaime
Vacuum Performance of Amorphous Carbon Coating at Cryogenic Temperature with Presence of Proton Beams (THPMY007)
by Salemme, Roberto
Mechanical and Vacuum Stability Studies for the LHC Experiments Upgrade (THPMY008)
by Sestak, Josef
Coaxial Wire Method Adapted to Weakly Coupled Resonator Mode for LHC RF Fingers Evaluation (THPMY009)
by Vollinger, Christine
LHC Beam Vacuum Evolution During 2015 Machine Operation (THPMY010)
by Yin Vallgren, Christina
A comparison of surface properties of metallic thin film photocathodes (THPMY017)
by Mistry, Sonal
LHC Injection Protection Devices, Thermo-mechanical Studies through the Design Phase (THPMY019)
by Lamas Garcia, Inigo
The Hiradmat 27 Experiment: Exploring High-Density Materials Response at Extreme Conditions for Antiproton Production (THPMY023)
by Torregrosa, Claudio
How to Manage a Large Scale Beam Line Consolidation in a Highly Activated Area? (THPMY030)
by Evrard, Sebastien
RF Synchronization and Distribution for AWAKE at CERN (THPMY039)
by Damerau, Heiko
Tolerance Studies and Dispersion Free Steering for Extreme Low Emittance in the FCC-ee Project (THPOR001)
by Aumon, Sandra
Chromaticity Compensation Schemes for the Arc Lattice of the FCC-ee Collider (THPOR002)
by Härer, Bastian
Tapering Options and Emittance Fine Tuning for the FCC-ee Collider (THPOR003)
by Härer, Bastian
Optics measurements and corrections at the early commissioning of SuperKEKB (THPOR007)
by Ohnishi, Y
Momentum acceptance optimization in FCC-ee lattice (CERN) (THPOR019)
by Bogomyagkov, Anton
Design of Beam Optics for the FCC-ee Collider Ring (THPOR022)
by Oide, Katsunobu
The FCC-ee Interaction Region Magnet Design (THPOR023)
by Koratzinos, Michael
Electrical Power Budget for FCC-ee (THPOR024)
by Aull, S.
Numerical Analysis of Stresses for the Target of the ILC 300 Hz Conventional Positron Source (THPOR028)
by Jin, Song
First Start-to-End BBA Results in the CLIC RTML (THPOR029)
by Han, Yanliang
Beam-Loading Effect on Breakdown Rate in High-Gradient Accelerating Structures (THPOR031)
by Tecker, Frank
Effect and Optimisation of Non-Linear Chromatic Aberrations of the CLIC Drive Beam Recombination at CTF3 (THPOR032)
by Gamba, Davide
Integration and Testing of 3 Consecutive CLIC Two-Beam Modules (THPOR033)
by Vamvakas, Alexios
Bunch-by-bunch Position and Angle Stabilisation at ATF based on Sub-micron Resolution Stripline Beam Position Monitors (THPOR034)
by Blaskovic Kraljevic, Neven
Development of a Low-latency, Micrometre-level Precision, Intra-train Beam Feedback System based on Cavity Beam Position Monitors (THPOR035)
by Blaskovic Kraljevic, Neven
TW-Structure Design and E-Field Study for CLIC Booster Linac (THPOR037)
by Darvish Roknabadi, Esmat
High Gradient Properties of a CLIC Prototype Accelerating Structure made by Tsinghua University (THPOR041)
by Wu, Xiaowei
New Quantity Describing the Pulse Shape Dependence of the High Gradient Limit in Single Cell Standing-Wave Accelerating Structures (THPOR042)
by Shi, Jiaru
High Power Test of X-band Single Cell HOM-free Choke-mode Damped Accelerating Structure made by Tsinghua University (THPOR043)
by Wu, Xiaowei
Beam Losses at CERNs PS and SPS Measured with Diamond Particle Detectors (THPOR048)
by Burkart, Florian
Considerations for the Injection and Extraction Kicker Systems of a 100 TeV Centre-of-Mass FCC-hh Collider (THPOR049)
by Kramer, Thomas
New Working Point for CERN Proton Synchrotron (THPOR050)
by Sperati, Flavia
Beam Based Measurements to Check Integrity of LHC Dump Protection Elements (THPOR051)
by Bracco, Chiara
A Beam-based Measurement of the LHC Beam Dump Kicker Waveform (THPOR052)
by Fraser, Matthew
Analysis of the SPS Long Term Orbit Drifts (THPOR054)
by Velotti, Francesco
Characterisation of the SPS Slow-extraction Parameters (THPOR055)
by Velotti, Francesco
Study of the Performance of Cs2Te Cathodes in the PHIN RF Photoinjector using Long Pulse Trains (THPOW015)
by Heßler, Christoph
Dependability Studies for CERN PS Booster RF System Upgrade (THPOY030)
by Rey Orozko, Odei
CERN Beam Interlock Redundant Dump Trigger Module Performance during LHC Run 2 (THPOY041)
by Calcoen, Daniel
Evolution and Perspectives of Second Generation Magnet Interlock Systems at CERN (THPOY042)
by Romera, Iván
Time Scale of Crab Cavity Failures Relevant for High Luminosity LHC (THPOY043)
by Sjobak, Kyrre
Experimental Setup to Measure the Damage Limits of Superconducting Magnets due to Beam Impact at CERN's HiRadMat Facility (THPOY044)
by Kleiven, David
Commissioning of the Machine Protection Systems of the Large Hadron Collider Following its First Long Shutdown (THPOY045)
by Wollmann, Daniel
Data Analysis and System Survey Framework for the LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System (THPOY046)
by Xu, Chen
Advanced Concepts and Methods for Very High Intensity Linacs (THYA01)
by Nghiem, Phu Anh Phi
CERN AWAKE Facility Readiness for First Beam (TUOBB03)
by Bracco, Chiara
Magnetic Measurements of SESAME Storage Ring Dipoles at ALBA (TUPMB018)
by Marcos, Jordi
Instruments and Methods for the Magnetic Measurement of the Super-FRS Magnets (TUPMB037)
by Golluccio, Giancarlo
Degradation of the Insulation of the LHC Main Dipole Cable when Exposed to High Temperatures (TUPMB038)
by Raginel, Vivien
LHC Accelerator Fault Tracker - First Experience (TUPMB040)
by Apollonio, Andrea
Compensation of Beam Induced Effects in LHC Cryogenic Systems (TUPMB048)
by Bradu, Benjamin
High Intensity Beam Test of Low Z Materials for the Upgrade of SPS-to-LHC Transfer Line Collimators and LHC Injection Absorbers (TUPMB052)
by Maciariello, Fausto
The ELENA Electron Cooler (TUPMR006)
by Tranquille, Gerard
Measurements of the Beam Phase Response to Correcting Magnetic Fields in PSI Cyclotrons (TUPMR019)
by Parfenova, Angelina
First Operational Experience of HIE-Isolde (TUPMR023)
by Rodriguez, Jose
CERN's Fixed Target Primary Ion Programme (TUPMR027)
by Manglunki, Django
Sources of Emittance Growth at the CERN PS Booster to PS Transfer (TUPMR046)
by Bartmann, Wolfgang
Conceptual Design Considerations for the 50 TeV FCC Beam Dump Insertion (TUPMR047)
by Burkart, Florian
SPS Injection and Beam Quality for LHC Heavy Ions With 150 ns Kicker Rise Time (TUPMR048)
by Goddard, Brennan
Feasibility Study of the PS Injection for 2 GeV LIU Beams with an Upgraded KFA-45 Injection Kicker System Operating in Short Circuit Mode (TUPMR049)
by Kramer, Thomas
Upgrades to the SPS-to-LHC Transfer Line Beam Stoppers for the LHC High-Luminosity Era (TUPMR050)
by Kain, Verena
New Spill Control for the Slow Extraction in the Multi-Cycling SPS (TUPMR051)
by Kain, Verena
Commissioning Preparation of the AWAKE Proton Beam Line (TUPMR052)
by Schmidt, Janet
Simulation of the FCC-hh collimation system (TUPMR054)
by Molson, James
LHC Luminosity Modeling for RUNII (TUPMW002)
by Antoniou, Fanouria
Integration, Configuration and Coordination: from Project to Reality, at CERN (TUPMW003)
by Barberan Marin, Maria
Assessment and Mitigation of the Proton-Proton Collision Debris Impact on the FCC Triplet (TUPMW004)
by Besana, Maria Ilaria
Characterization of the Radiation Field in the FCC-hh Detector (TUPMW005)
by Besana, Maria Ilaria
Power Deposition in LHC Magnets Due to Bound-Free Pair Production in the Experimental Insertions (TUPMW006)
by Bahamonde Castro, Cristina
Impact of Long Range Beam-Beam Effects on Intensity and Luminosity Lifetimes from the 2015 LHC Run (TUPMW007)
by Crouch, Matthew
Evolution of the Beam Parameters during Luminosity Production in the Future Circular Hadron Collider (TUPMW008)
by Buffat, Xavier
Simulation of Head-on Beam-Beam Limitations in Future High Energy Colliders (TUPMW009)
by Buffat, Xavier
Current Status of Instability Threshold Measurements in the LHC at 6.5 TeV (TUPMW011)
by Carver, Lee
Beam Offset Stabilization Techniques for the LHC Collision Points (TUPMW012)
by Gorzawski, Arkadiusz
Experimental Demonstration of β* Leveling at the LHC (TUPMW013)
by Gorzawski, Arkadiusz
Improved Aperture Measurements at the LHC and Results from their Application in 2015 (TUPMW014)
by Hermes, Pascal
Symplectic Tracking of Multi-Isotopic Heavy-Ion Beams in SixTrack (TUPMW015)
by Hermes, Pascal
Effect of the LHC Beam Screen Baffle on the Electron Cloud Buildup (TUPMW016)
by Romano, Annalisa
Electron Cloud Observations during LHC Operation with 25 ns Beams (TUPMW017)
by Li, Kevin
Radiation Load Optimization in the Final Focus System of FCC-hh (TUPMW018)
by Martin, Roman
First Evaluation of Dynamic Aperture at Injection for FCC-hh (TUPMW019)
by Dalena, Barbara
Status of the Beam Optics of the Future Hadron-Hadron Collider FCC-hh (TUPMW020)
by Chancé, Antoine
Roman Pot Insertions in High-Intensity Beams for the CT-PPS Project at LHC (TUPMW021)
by Deile, Mario
Modelling and Measurements of Bunch Profiles at the LHC Flat Bottom (TUPMW022)
by Papadopoulou, Stefania
Macroparticle-Induced Losses During 6.5 TeV LHC Operation (TUPMW023)
by Papotti, Giulia
Machine Protection from Fast Crab Cavity Failures in the High Luminosity LHC (TUPMW025)
by Santamaría García, Andrea
Feed-Forward Corrections for Tune and Chromaticity Injection Decay During 2015 LHC Operation (TUPMW026)
by Solfaroli Camillocci, Matteo
The 2015 Heavy-Ion Run of the LHC (TUPMW027)
by Jowett, John
Bound-Free Pair Production in LHC Pb-Pb Operation at 6.37 Z TeV per Beam (TUPMW028)
by Jowett, John
Tune and Chromaticity Control During Snapback and Ramp in 2015 LHC Operation (TUPMW029)
by Schaumann, Michaela
Review of LHC On-line Model Implementation and of its Applications (TUPMW030)
by Persson, Tobias
Combined Ramp and Squeeze to 6.5 TeV in the LHC (TUPMW031)
by Solfaroli Camillocci, Matteo
A 200 MHz SC-RF System for the HL-LHC (TUPMW034)
by Calaga, Rama
Performance and Operational Aspects of HL-LHC Scenarios (TUPMW035)
by Medina Medrano, Luis
Optimizing Chromatic Coupling Measurement in the LHC (TUPMW036)
by Persson, Tobias
Luminosity Targets for FCC-hh (TUPMW037)
by Zimmermann, F.
Effect of the Various Impedances on Longitudinal Beam Stability in the CERN SPS (TUPOR008)
by Lasheen, Alexandre
Single Bunch Longitudinal Instability in the CERN SPS (TUPOR009)
by Lasheen, Alexandre
Simulation of Instability at Transition Energy with a New Impedance Model for CERN PS (TUPOR010)
by Wang, Na
Analysis of multi-bunch instabilities at the Diamond storage ring (TUPOR013)
by Bartolini, Riccardo
Beam-beam Simulation of Crab Cavity with Frequence Dependent Noise for LHC Upgrade (TUPOR017)
by Qiang, Ji
Excitation of Longitudinal Coupled-bunch Oscillations with the Wide-band Cavity in the CERN PS (TUPOR028)
by Ventura, Letizia
Beam Energy Deposition from PS Booster and Production Rates of Selected Medical Radioisotopes in the CERN-MEDICIS Target (TUPOY017)
by Gonsalves, Basil
A compact and high current FFAG for the production of radioisotopes for medical application (TUPOY023)
by Bruton, David
Beam Commissioning of the HIE-ISOLDE Post-Accelerator (WEOBA01)
by Rodriguez, Jose
Status of Wakefield Monitor Experiments at the CLIC Test Facility (WEOBB02)
by Lillestøl, Reidar
Operation of the LHC with Protons at High Luminosity and High Energy (WEOCA01)
by Papotti, Giulia
Simulating Proton Synchrotron Radiation in the Arcs of the LHC, HL-LHC, and FCC-hh (WEOCA03)
by Guillermo Cantón, Gerardo
HIE-ISOLDE: First Commissioning Experience (WEPMB051)
by Venturini Delsolaro, Walter
LHC Crab Cavity Coupler Test Boxes (WEPMB058)
by Mitchell, James
Frequency Tuning for a DQW Crab Cavity (WEPMR038)
by Verdú-Andrés, Silvia
Analysis of Electrical Energy Consumption of Accelerator Reserach Facilities (WEPMR043)
by Stadlmann, J
openSE: A Systems engineering framework particularly suited to particle accelerator studies and development projects (WEPMR055)
by Bonnal, Pierre
Septum Magnet using a Superconducting Shield (WEPMR056)
by Barna, Daniel
A CLIC Damping Wiggler Prototype at ANKA: Commissioning and Preparations for a Beam Dynamics Experimental Program (WEPMW002)
by Bernhard, Axel
Nonlinear Optimization of CLIC DRS New Design with Variable Bends and High Field Wigglers (WEPMW003)
by Ghasem, H.
First Design of a Proton Collimation System for 50 TeV FCC-hh (WEPMW006)
by Fiascaris, Maria
Validation of Off-momentum Cleaning Performance of the LHC Collimation System (WEPMW007)
by Salvachua, Belen
Possible Beam Parameters in Double RF Operation of the CERN LHC (WEPMW008)
by Shaposhnikova, Elena
Towards a Monochromatization Scheme for Direct Higgs Production at FCC-ee (WEPMW009)
by Valdivia Garcia, Marco Alan
Effect of Beamstrahlung on Bunch Length and Emittance in Future Circular e+e- Colliders (WEPMW010)
by Valdivia Garcia, Marco Alan
First Attempts at using Active Halo Control at the LHC (WEPMW028)
by Wagner, Joschka
Simulation of Heavy-Ion Beam Losses with the SixTrack-FLUKA Active Coupling (WEPMW029)
by Hermes, Pascal
Cleaning Performance of the Collimation System of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (WEPMW030)
by Mirarchi, Daniele
Towards Optimum Material Choices for HL-LHC Collimator Upgrade (WEPMW031)
by Quaranta, E.
Radiation-Induced Effects on LHC Collimator Materials under Extreme Beam Conditions (WEPMW032)
by Quaranta, E.
Validation of Simulation Tools for Fast Beam Failure Studies in the LHC (WEPMW033)
by Quaranta, Elena
First Operational Experience with Embedded Collimator BPMs in the LHC (WEPMW034)
by Valentino, Gianluca
MERLIN Cleaning Studies with Advanced Collimator Materials for HL-LHC (WEPMW036)
by Valloni, A.
MERLIN Simulations of the LHC Collimation System with 6.5 TeV Beams (WEPMW037)
by Valloni, Alessandra
Towards Awake Applications: Electron Beam Acceleration in a Proton Driven Plasma Wake (WEPMY008)
by Adli, Erik
Transverse Tolerances of a Multi-Stage Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (WEPMY009)
by Lindstrøm, Carl
Considerations for a Drive Beam Scheme for a Plasma Wakefield Linear Collider (WEPMY010)
by Pfingstner, Juergen
AWAKE, the Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (WEPMY019)
by Muggli, Patric
Integration of a Terawatt Laser at the CERN SPS Beam for the AWAKE Experiment on Proton-Driven Plasma Wake Acceleration (WEPMY020)
by Fedosseev, Valentin
Beam-Plasma Interaction Simulations for the AWAKE Experiment at CERN (WEPMY021)
by Petrenko, Alexey
A Spectrometer for Proton Driven Plasma Accelerated Electrons at AWAKE - Recent Developments (WEPMY024)
by Deacon, Lawrence
Ground Motion Compensation using Feed-forward Control at ATF2 (WEPOR005)
by Bett, Douglas
Demonstration of CLIC Level Phase Stability using a High Bandwidth, Low Latency Drive Beam Phase Feedforward System at the CLIC Test Facility CTF3 (WEPOR006)
by Roberts, Jack
Recent Improvements in Drive Beam Stability in CTF3 (WEPOR007)
by Malina, Lukas
Intra-beam IP Feedback Studies for the 380 GeV CLIC Beam Delivery System (WEPOR009)
by Bodenstein, Ryan
Recent Upgrades to the CERN SPS Wideband Intra-bunch Transverse Feedback Processor (WEPOR010)
by Dusatko, John
Pre-alignment of Accelerating Structures for Compact Acceleration and High Gradient using In-situ Radiofrequency Methods (WEPOR016)
by Galindo Munoz, Natalia
A Micrometric Positioning Sensor for Laser-Based Alignment (WEPOR017)
by Stern, Guillaume
Position Monitoring System for HL-LHC Crab Cavities (WEPOR018)
by Sosin, Mateusz
Concept of a Fire and Gas Safety System for Accelerators (WEPOR029)
by Dole, Michael
Second Generation LHC Analysis Framework: Workload-based and User-oriented Solution (WEPOR051)
by Boychenko, Serhiy
Study of double triple bend achromat (DTBA) lattice for a 3GeV light source (WEPOW044)
by Alekou, Androula
Concepts for a low emittance-high capacity storage ring for the Diamond Light Source (WEPOW045)
by Bartolini, Riccardo
Simulation of electromagnetic scattering through the E-XFEL third harmonic cavity module (WEPOY007)
by Joshi, N.Y
First BTF Measurements at the Large Hadron Collider (WEPOY030)
by Tambasco, Claudia
Review of CPU and GPU Faddeeva Implementations (WEPOY044)
by Oeftiger, Adrian
Benchmarking the Beam Longitudinal Dynamics Code BLonD (WEPOY045)
by Timko, Helga
Beam Delivery Simulation: BDSIM - Automatic Geant4 Models of Accelerators (WEPOY046)
by Nevay, Laurence
LHC Collimation and Energy Deposition Studies Using Beam Delivery Simulation (BDSIM) (WEPOY047)
by Nevay, Laurence

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