CERN Accelerating science

(Colour online) The schematic layout of the \NASixtyOne spectrometer (horizontal cut, not to scale). The beam and trigger detector configuration used for data taking in 2009 is shown in the inset. The chosen coordinate system is drawn on the lower left: its origin lies in the middle of the VTPC-2, on the beam axis. The nominal beam direction is along the $z$ axis. The magnetic field bends charged particle trajectories in the $x$--$z$ (horizontal) plane. Positively charged particles are bent towards the top of the plot. The drift direction in the TPCs is along the $y$ (vertical) axis.
(Colour online) The schematic layout of the \NASixtyOne spectrometer (horizontal cut, not to scale). The beam and trigger detector configuration used for data taking in 2009 is shown in the inset. The chosen coordinate system is drawn on the lower left: its origin lies in the middle of the VTPC-2, on the beam axis. The nominal beam direction is along the $z$ axis. The magnetic field bends charged particle trajectories in the $x$--$z$ (horizontal) plane. Positively charged particles are bent towards the top of the plot. The drift direction in the TPCs is along the $y$ (vertical) axis.
Population of all charged hadrons in the analysis acceptance used in this paper to study transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations: the two top plots refer to 20~\GeVc and the two bottom plots to 158~\GeVc p+p interactions.
Population of all charged hadrons in the analysis acceptance used in this paper to study transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations: the two top plots refer to 20~\GeVc and the two bottom plots to 158~\GeVc p+p interactions.
Population of all charged hadrons in the analysis acceptance used in this paper to study transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations: the two top plots refer to 20~\GeVc and the two bottom plots to 158~\GeVc p+p interactions.
Population of all charged hadrons in the analysis acceptance used in this paper to study transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations: the two top plots refer to 20~\GeVc and the two bottom plots to 158~\GeVc p+p interactions.
Population of all charged hadrons in the analysis acceptance used in this paper to study transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations: the two top plots refer to 20~\GeVc and the two bottom plots to 158~\GeVc p+p interactions.
Population of all charged hadrons in the analysis acceptance used in this paper to study transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations: the two top plots refer to 20~\GeVc and the two bottom plots to 158~\GeVc p+p interactions.
Population of all charged hadrons in the analysis acceptance used in this paper to study transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations: the two top plots refer to 20~\GeVc and the two bottom plots to 158~\GeVc p+p interactions.
Population of all charged hadrons in the analysis acceptance used in this paper to study transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations: the two top plots refer to 20~\GeVc and the two bottom plots to 158~\GeVc p+p interactions.
Distributions of the $z$ coordinate of the reconstructed interaction vertex for events recorded with the target inserted ($I$) and removed ($R$). The target removed distribution was normalized to the target inserted one in the region $z > -450$~cm.
Distributions of the $z$ coordinate of the reconstructed interaction vertex for events recorded with the target inserted ($I$) and removed ($R$). The target removed distribution was normalized to the target inserted one in the region $z > -450$~cm.
Examples of uncorrected distributions of event quantities for p+p interactions at 20 and 158~\GeVc beam for data recorded with the liquid hydrogen inserted (I) and removed (R). The spectra with the removed liquid hydrogen are multiplied by the $\epsilon$ factor (see Eq.~\ref{eq:epsilon}).
Examples of uncorrected distributions of event quantities for p+p interactions at 20 and 158~\GeVc beam for data recorded with the liquid hydrogen inserted (I) and removed (R). The spectra with the removed liquid hydrogen are multiplied by the $\epsilon$ factor (see Eq.~\ref{eq:epsilon}).
Examples of uncorrected distributions of event quantities for p+p interactions at 20 and 158~\GeVc beam for data recorded with the liquid hydrogen inserted (I) and removed (R). The spectra with the removed liquid hydrogen are multiplied by the $\epsilon$ factor (see Eq.~\ref{eq:epsilon}).
Examples of uncorrected distributions of event quantities for p+p interactions at 20 and 158~\GeVc beam for data recorded with the liquid hydrogen inserted (I) and removed (R). The spectra with the removed liquid hydrogen are multiplied by the $\epsilon$ factor (see Eq.~\ref{eq:epsilon}).
(Color online) Examples of ratios of corrected to uncorrected distributions of event quantities for p+p interactions at 158~\GeVc.
(Color online) Examples of ratios of corrected to uncorrected distributions of event quantities for p+p interactions at 158~\GeVc.
(Color online) Results on $\Delta[P_{T},N]$, $\Sigma[P_{T},N]$, $\Phi_{p_{T}}$ and $\omega[N]$ as a function of collision energy before corrections (open squares), corrected for contributions of off-target interactions (open circles) and additionally corrected for all other experimental biases, see Sec.~\ref{sec:final-corr} (filled circles). Statistical uncertainties (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Results on $\Delta[P_{T},N]$, $\Sigma[P_{T},N]$, $\Phi_{p_{T}}$ and $\omega[N]$ as a function of collision energy before corrections (open squares), corrected for contributions of off-target interactions (open circles) and additionally corrected for all other experimental biases, see Sec.~\ref{sec:final-corr} (filled circles). Statistical uncertainties (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Results on $\omega[N]$ and $\Delta[P_{T},N]$ as a function of collision energy for all charged hadrons after all corrections (full circles), without the correction for the trigger bias (upward pointing triangles), without corrections for the trigger bias and the off-line event selection (crosses), without correction for feed-down (diamonds) and uncorrected (open circles). Statistical uncertainties (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Results on $\omega[N]$ and $\Delta[P_{T},N]$ as a function of collision energy for all charged hadrons after all corrections (full circles), without the correction for the trigger bias (upward pointing triangles), without corrections for the trigger bias and the off-line event selection (crosses), without correction for feed-down (diamonds) and uncorrected (open circles). Statistical uncertainties (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Results on $\omega[N]$ and $\Delta[P_{T},N]$ as a function of collision energy for all charged hadrons after all corrections (full circles), without the correction for the trigger bias (upward pointing triangles), without corrections for the trigger bias and the off-line event selection (crosses), without correction for feed-down (diamonds) and uncorrected (open circles). Statistical uncertainties (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Results on $\omega[N]$ and $\Delta[P_{T},N]$ as a function of collision energy for all charged hadrons after all corrections (full circles), without the correction for the trigger bias (upward pointing triangles), without corrections for the trigger bias and the off-line event selection (crosses), without correction for feed-down (diamonds) and uncorrected (open circles). Statistical uncertainties (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Collision energy dependence of $\Delta[P_{T},N]$, $\Sigma[P_{T},N]$, $\Phi_{p_{T}}$ and $\omega[N]$ for inelastic p+p interactions. The NA61/SHINE measurements (filled circles) are compared with predictions of the \EposLong~(upward pointing triangles) and UrQMD (downward pointing triangles) models (both in the NA61/SHINE acceptance). Statistical uncertainties (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Collision energy dependence of $\Delta[P_{T},N]$, $\Sigma[P_{T},N]$, $\Phi_{p_{T}}$ and $\omega[N]$ for inelastic p+p interactions. The NA61/SHINE measurements (filled circles) are compared with predictions of the \EposLong~(upward pointing triangles) and UrQMD (downward pointing triangles) models (both in the NA61/SHINE acceptance). Statistical uncertainties (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) \NASixtyOne results on $\Phi_{p_T}$ vs collision energy for inelastic p+p interactions within the full \NASixtyOne acceptance (see Fig.~\ref{fig:results}) and within the NA49-$N$ acceptance (see Ref.~\cite{Anticic:2008aa}). Statistical errors (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) \NASixtyOne results on $\Phi_{p_T}$ vs collision energy for inelastic p+p interactions within the full \NASixtyOne acceptance (see Fig.~\ref{fig:results}) and within the NA49-$N$ acceptance (see Ref.~\cite{Anticic:2008aa}). Statistical errors (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) $\Phi_{p_T}$ versus collision energy for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions and the 7.2\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Anticic:2008aa}) collisions in the NA49-$N$ acceptance. Statistical errors are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) $\Phi_{p_T}$ versus collision energy for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions and the 7.2\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Anticic:2008aa}) collisions in the NA49-$N$ acceptance. Statistical errors are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Collision energy dependence of the scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions and the 1\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Alt:2007jq}) collisions in the NA49-$M$ ($top$) and NA49-$B$ ($bottom$) acceptances (see text for details). Statistical errors (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Collision energy dependence of the scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions and the 1\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Alt:2007jq}) collisions in the NA49-$M$ ($top$) and NA49-$B$ ($bottom$) acceptances (see text for details). Statistical errors (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Collision energy dependence of the scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions and the 1\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Alt:2007jq}) collisions in the NA49-$M$ ($top$) and NA49-$B$ ($bottom$) acceptances (see text for details). Statistical errors (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Collision energy dependence of the scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions and the 1\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Alt:2007jq}) collisions in the NA49-$M$ ($top$) and NA49-$B$ ($bottom$) acceptances (see text for details). Statistical errors (mostly invisible) are shown by vertical bars, systematic uncertainties by shaded bands.
(Color online) Scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution of negatively charged hadrons as a function of the mean number of wounded nucleons. Results for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions (filled circles) and the 1\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Alt:2007jq}) collisions (squares) in the NA49-$B$ acceptances are shown together with the predictions of the Wounded Nucleon Model ({\it left}) and the statistical model ({\it right}) (see text for explanations).
(Color online) Scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution of negatively charged hadrons as a function of the mean number of wounded nucleons. Results for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions (filled circles) and the 1\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Alt:2007jq}) collisions (squares) in the NA49-$B$ acceptances are shown together with the predictions of the Wounded Nucleon Model ({\it left}) and the statistical model ({\it right}) (see text for explanations).
(Color online) Scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution of negatively charged hadrons as a function of the mean number of wounded nucleons. Results for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions (filled circles) and the 1\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Alt:2007jq}) collisions (squares) in the NA49-$B$ acceptances are shown together with the predictions of the Wounded Nucleon Model ({\it left}) and the statistical model ({\it right}) (see text for explanations).
(Color online) Scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution of negatively charged hadrons as a function of the mean number of wounded nucleons. Results for inelastic p+p (\NASixtyOne) interactions (filled circles) and the 1\% most central Pb+Pb (NA49~\cite{Alt:2007jq}) collisions (squares) in the NA49-$B$ acceptances are shown together with the predictions of the Wounded Nucleon Model ({\it left}) and the statistical model ({\it right}) (see text for explanations).