CERN Accelerating science

Distributions of the EM energy dispersion $w$ (left) and fraction of TRT HT hits $f_{\rm HT}$ (right) at the last stage of the event selection (prior to the requirements on these two variables). Electroweak background MC samples with electrons in the final state (luminosity-weighted) as well as signal samples of various HIP charges and $m=1000$~GeV (arbitrary normalization) are also shown. Multijet processes (not simulated) are responsible for most of the candidates observed in data.
Distributions of the EM energy dispersion $w$ (left) and fraction of TRT HT hits $f_{\rm HT}$ (right) at the last stage of the event selection (prior to the requirements on these two variables). Electroweak background MC samples with electrons in the final state (luminosity-weighted) as well as signal samples of various HIP charges and $m=1000$~GeV (arbitrary normalization) are also shown. Multijet processes (not simulated) are responsible for most of the candidates observed in data.
Total selection efficiency (i.e., the fraction of MC events surviving all the criteria listed in Table~\ref{tab:cutflow}) as a function of transverse kinetic energy (left) or longitudinal kinetic energy (right) and pseudorapidity, for HIPs with mass 1000~GeV and charge $|z|=40$ (top), mass 1000~GeV and charge $|g|=1.0g_{\rm D}$ (middle) and mass 1500~GeV and charge $|g|=2.0g_{\rm D}$ (bottom). These plots are obtained using fully simulated single-particle samples with a uniform kinetic energy distribution between 0 and 3000~GeV. The fiducial regions (as defined in the text) are indicated by rectangular dashed lines.
Total selection efficiency (i.e., the fraction of MC events surviving all the criteria listed in Table~\ref{tab:cutflow}) as a function of transverse kinetic energy (left) or longitudinal kinetic energy (right) and pseudorapidity, for HIPs with mass 1000~GeV and charge $|z|=40$ (top), mass 1000~GeV and charge $|g|=1.0g_{\rm D}$ (middle) and mass 1500~GeV and charge $|g|=2.0g_{\rm D}$ (bottom). These plots are obtained using fully simulated single-particle samples with a uniform kinetic energy distribution between 0 and 3000~GeV. The fiducial regions (as defined in the text) are indicated by rectangular dashed lines.
Total selection efficiency (i.e., the fraction of MC events surviving all the criteria listed in Table~\ref{tab:cutflow}) as a function of transverse kinetic energy (left) or longitudinal kinetic energy (right) and pseudorapidity, for HIPs with mass 1000~GeV and charge $|z|=40$ (top), mass 1000~GeV and charge $|g|=1.0g_{\rm D}$ (middle) and mass 1500~GeV and charge $|g|=2.0g_{\rm D}$ (bottom). These plots are obtained using fully simulated single-particle samples with a uniform kinetic energy distribution between 0 and 3000~GeV. The fiducial regions (as defined in the text) are indicated by rectangular dashed lines.
Total selection efficiency (i.e., the fraction of MC events surviving all the criteria listed in Table~\ref{tab:cutflow}) as a function of transverse kinetic energy (left) or longitudinal kinetic energy (right) and pseudorapidity, for HIPs with mass 1000~GeV and charge $|z|=40$ (top), mass 1000~GeV and charge $|g|=1.0g_{\rm D}$ (middle) and mass 1500~GeV and charge $|g|=2.0g_{\rm D}$ (bottom). These plots are obtained using fully simulated single-particle samples with a uniform kinetic energy distribution between 0 and 3000~GeV. The fiducial regions (as defined in the text) are indicated by rectangular dashed lines.
Total selection efficiency (i.e., the fraction of MC events surviving all the criteria listed in Table~\ref{tab:cutflow}) as a function of transverse kinetic energy (left) or longitudinal kinetic energy (right) and pseudorapidity, for HIPs with mass 1000~GeV and charge $|z|=40$ (top), mass 1000~GeV and charge $|g|=1.0g_{\rm D}$ (middle) and mass 1500~GeV and charge $|g|=2.0g_{\rm D}$ (bottom). These plots are obtained using fully simulated single-particle samples with a uniform kinetic energy distribution between 0 and 3000~GeV. The fiducial regions (as defined in the text) are indicated by rectangular dashed lines.
Total selection efficiency (i.e., the fraction of MC events surviving all the criteria listed in Table~\ref{tab:cutflow}) as a function of transverse kinetic energy (left) or longitudinal kinetic energy (right) and pseudorapidity, for HIPs with mass 1000~GeV and charge $|z|=40$ (top), mass 1000~GeV and charge $|g|=1.0g_{\rm D}$ (middle) and mass 1500~GeV and charge $|g|=2.0g_{\rm D}$ (bottom). These plots are obtained using fully simulated single-particle samples with a uniform kinetic energy distribution between 0 and 3000~GeV. The fiducial regions (as defined in the text) are indicated by rectangular dashed lines.
Fiducial regions for the HIP charges considered in the search, as defined in Section~\ref{sec:eff_fiducial}. The various line styles correspond to different HIP masses. The top left plot shows the $|\eta|$ acceptance ranges, while the other plots show the $E^{\rm kin}$ acceptance ranges corresponding to the three different $|\eta|$ ranges. Blank space means that no fiducial region of high efficiency is found for the corresponding mass and charge.
Fiducial regions for the HIP charges considered in the search, as defined in Section~\ref{sec:eff_fiducial}. The various line styles correspond to different HIP masses. The top left plot shows the $|\eta|$ acceptance ranges, while the other plots show the $E^{\rm kin}$ acceptance ranges corresponding to the three different $|\eta|$ ranges. Blank space means that no fiducial region of high efficiency is found for the corresponding mass and charge.
Fiducial regions for the HIP charges considered in the search, as defined in Section~\ref{sec:eff_fiducial}. The various line styles correspond to different HIP masses. The top left plot shows the $|\eta|$ acceptance ranges, while the other plots show the $E^{\rm kin}$ acceptance ranges corresponding to the three different $|\eta|$ ranges. Blank space means that no fiducial region of high efficiency is found for the corresponding mass and charge.
Fiducial regions for the HIP charges considered in the search, as defined in Section~\ref{sec:eff_fiducial}. The various line styles correspond to different HIP masses. The top left plot shows the $|\eta|$ acceptance ranges, while the other plots show the $E^{\rm kin}$ acceptance ranges corresponding to the three different $|\eta|$ ranges. Blank space means that no fiducial region of high efficiency is found for the corresponding mass and charge.
Candidates seen in data (color scale) and in a representative simulated signal sample (black squares) in the $f_{\rm HT}$ versus $w$ plane, at the last stage of the event selection (prior to the requirements on these two variables). The number of background events in the signal region (A) is estimated using the left and bottom bands (B, D, and C) as control regions, as described in the text.
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for DY HIP production as a function of HIP mass in various scenarios (dashed lines with markers). The upper plots are for spin-1/2 HIP production, whereas the lower plots are for spin-0 HIPs. No cross-section limit is shown for mass/charge points with an acceptance lower than 1\%. Overlaid on the plots are the leading-order (LO) cross-sections (solid lines).
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for DY HIP production as a function of HIP mass in various scenarios (dashed lines with markers). The upper plots are for spin-1/2 HIP production, whereas the lower plots are for spin-0 HIPs. No cross-section limit is shown for mass/charge points with an acceptance lower than 1\%. Overlaid on the plots are the leading-order (LO) cross-sections (solid lines).
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for DY HIP production as a function of HIP mass in various scenarios (dashed lines with markers). The upper plots are for spin-1/2 HIP production, whereas the lower plots are for spin-0 HIPs. No cross-section limit is shown for mass/charge points with an acceptance lower than 1\%. Overlaid on the plots are the leading-order (LO) cross-sections (solid lines).
Cross-section upper limits at 95\% confidence level for DY HIP production as a function of HIP mass in various scenarios (dashed lines with markers). The upper plots are for spin-1/2 HIP production, whereas the lower plots are for spin-0 HIPs. No cross-section limit is shown for mass/charge points with an acceptance lower than 1\%. Overlaid on the plots are the leading-order (LO) cross-sections (solid lines).