CERN Accélérateur de science

The data for various kinematic distributions (transverse momentum, \pt, of the lepton, \pt of all the $b$-tagged jets, \pt of all non-$b$-tagged jets and the total jet multiplicity) are compared to the nominal \ttbar MC sample (\powheg+\pythia) plus backgrounds after the final kinematic reconstruction of the \ttbaronejet events. The total background estimated in table~\ref{tab:yields_n3_final} is shown in dark grey. The uncertainty band includes the total statistical and systematic uncertainties as described in section~\ref{sec:systematics}.
The data for various kinematic distributions (transverse momentum, \pt, of the lepton, \pt of all the $b$-tagged jets, \pt of all non-$b$-tagged jets and the total jet multiplicity) are compared to the nominal \ttbar MC sample (\powheg+\pythia) plus backgrounds after the final kinematic reconstruction of the \ttbaronejet events. The total background estimated in table~\ref{tab:yields_n3_final} is shown in dark grey. The uncertainty band includes the total statistical and systematic uncertainties as described in section~\ref{sec:systematics}.
The data for various kinematic distributions (transverse momentum, \pt, of the lepton, \pt of all the $b$-tagged jets, \pt of all non-$b$-tagged jets and the total jet multiplicity) are compared to the nominal \ttbar MC sample (\powheg+\pythia) plus backgrounds after the final kinematic reconstruction of the \ttbaronejet events. The total background estimated in table~\ref{tab:yields_n3_final} is shown in dark grey. The uncertainty band includes the total statistical and systematic uncertainties as described in section~\ref{sec:systematics}.
The data for various kinematic distributions (transverse momentum, \pt, of the lepton, \pt of all the $b$-tagged jets, \pt of all non-$b$-tagged jets and the total jet multiplicity) are compared to the nominal \ttbar MC sample (\powheg+\pythia) plus backgrounds after the final kinematic reconstruction of the \ttbaronejet events. The total background estimated in table~\ref{tab:yields_n3_final} is shown in dark grey. The uncertainty band includes the total statistical and systematic uncertainties as described in section~\ref{sec:systematics}.
The data for various kinematic distributions (the reconstructed mass of the hadronically and leptonically decaying top-quark candidates, the \pt of the additional jet and the invariant mass of the \ttbaronejet system) are compared to the nominal \ttbar MC sample (\powheg+\pythia) plus backgrounds after the final kinematic reconstruction of the \ttbaronejet events. The total background estimated in table~\ref{tab:yields_n3_final} is shown in dark grey. The uncertainty band includes the total statistical and systematic uncertainties as described in section~\ref{sec:systematics}.
The data for various kinematic distributions (the reconstructed mass of the hadronically and leptonically decaying top-quark candidates, the \pt of the additional jet and the invariant mass of the \ttbaronejet system) are compared to the nominal \ttbar MC sample (\powheg+\pythia) plus backgrounds after the final kinematic reconstruction of the \ttbaronejet events. The total background estimated in table~\ref{tab:yields_n3_final} is shown in dark grey. The uncertainty band includes the total statistical and systematic uncertainties as described in section~\ref{sec:systematics}.
The data for various kinematic distributions (the reconstructed mass of the hadronically and leptonically decaying top-quark candidates, the \pt of the additional jet and the invariant mass of the \ttbaronejet system) are compared to the nominal \ttbar MC sample (\powheg+\pythia) plus backgrounds after the final kinematic reconstruction of the \ttbaronejet events. The total background estimated in table~\ref{tab:yields_n3_final} is shown in dark grey. The uncertainty band includes the total statistical and systematic uncertainties as described in section~\ref{sec:systematics}.
The data for various kinematic distributions (the reconstructed mass of the hadronically and leptonically decaying top-quark candidates, the \pt of the additional jet and the invariant mass of the \ttbaronejet system) are compared to the nominal \ttbar MC sample (\powheg+\pythia) plus backgrounds after the final kinematic reconstruction of the \ttbaronejet events. The total background estimated in table~\ref{tab:yields_n3_final} is shown in dark grey. The uncertainty band includes the total statistical and systematic uncertainties as described in section~\ref{sec:systematics}.
Number of reconstructed events as a function of \rhos ($m_0=170~\GeV$) related to the inverse of the invariant mass of the \ttbaronejet system . The data are compared to the nominal \ttbar MC prediction (\powheg+\pythia) plus backgrounds, which assumes a top-quark mass $\mt = $172.5 \gev{} after the final kinematic reconstruction of the \ttbaronejet events. The backgrounds and the systematic uncertainties are estimated as in figure~\ref{fig:reco} and~\ref{fig:reco2}.
\n3-distribution at parton level corrected for detector and hadronization effects after the background subtraction as a function of \rhos($m_0=170~\GeV$). The predictions of the \ttbaronejet calculation at NLO+PS using three different masses (\mtPole=170, 175 and 180~\GeV) are shown together with the result of the best fit to the data, \mtPole=173.7$\pm 1.5$ (stat.)~\GeV. The black points correspond to the data. In the lower part of the figure, the ratios of the different \n3-distributions to the one corresponding to the best fit are shown. The shaded area indicates the statistical uncertainty.
Difference between the fitted mass and the top-quark mass assumed in the generated \ttbar MC predictions (\powheg+\pythia) including full detector simulation as a function of the input mass. The same unfolding procedure employed for data is performed in this study. The migration matrix and correction factors are defined for a fixed top-quark mass of \mt= 172.5 \gev{}. The fit is performed using the parameterised mass dependence of the theoretical predictions obtained from the MC samples. A fit to a straight line including the point at 172.5 GeV is performed. The obtained mean value and $\chi^2$/NDF are shown.