Pàgina inicial > Front-end Electronics for the TPC in ILD |
Report number | AIDA-REP-2015-004 |
Title | Front-end Electronics for the TPC in ILD |
Author(s) | Hedberg, V (ULUND) ; Jönsson, L (ULUND) ; Lundberg, B (ULUND) ; Mjörnmark, U (ULUND) ; Oskarsson, A (ULUND) ; Österman,L (ULUND) ; De Lentdecker, G (ULB) ; Yang, Y (ULB) ; Zhang, F (HBUT) |
Publication | 2015 |
Imprint | 2014-05-19 |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques ; 9: Advanced infrastructures for detector R&D ; 9.2: Gaseous Detector Facilities |
Submitted by | [email protected] |