| Summary of systematic uncertainties for the \PhiSM and Higgs boson production cross-section, jet energy scale, trigger, missing transverse momentum, and the requirement on jet timing as a percentage of the signal yield. Systematic errors that have common values across samples are not listed (pile-up at 10\%, ISR at $^{+2.9}_{-1.2}$\%, and PDF at 2.1\%). The last column reports the total systematic uncertainty (including the luminosity and common systematic errors).}\%Summary of systematic uncertainties for the \PhiSM and Higgs boson production cross-section, jet energy scale, trigger, missing transverse momentum, and the requirement on jet timing as a percentage of the signal yield. Systematic errors that have common values across samples are not listed (pile-up at 10\%, ISR at $^{+2.9}_{-1.2}$\%, and PDF at 2.1\%). The last column reports the total systematic uncertainty (including the luminosity and common systematic errors).Summary of expected number of signal events, expected background present in the data sample, and the observed number of events in 20.3~fb$^{-1}$. The global acceptance is also given. The error on the signal samples is statistical only, the error on the expected background is statistical $\oplus$ systematic. All results are normalized for a proper decay length of the \vpion of 1.5~m. A 100\% branching ratio for \PhiHSd is assumed.Summary of systematic uncertainties for the \PhiSM and Higgs boson production cross-section, jet energy scale, trigger, missing transverse momentum, and the requirement on jet timing as a percentage of the signal yield. Systematic errors that have common values across samples are not listed (pile-up at 10\%, ISR at $^{+2.9}_{-1.2}$\%, and PDF at 2.1\%). The last column reports the total systematic uncertainty (including the luminosity and common systematic errors).\GeV |