CERN Accelerating science

The \PhiSM mass or Higgs boson mass, \PhiSM gluon fusion production cross section, and \vpion mass of each benchmark Hidden Valley model generated. The cross-sections are based on the assumption in the benchmarked model that the $\Phi$ boson production mechanism is the same as the Higgs boson production mechanism. The decay branching ratios of the \vpions as a function of the \vpion mass are listed in the second table.}\GeV
The probability ($\varepsilon_{\pi_{\rm v}}$) for a single \vpion to pass the trigger as a function of the \vpion (a) radial decay length in the barrel and (b) the $z$ position of the decay vertex in the endcaps for several \PhiSM and \vpion masses.Caption not extracted
Distribution of (a) the number of good tracks ($n_{\rm{tracks}}$) with $p_{\rm{T}} > 1$ \GeV and $\Delta R < 0.2$ around the jet axis and (b) the distribution of jet \calrat with jet $|\eta| < 2.5$, $p_{\rm{T}} > 40$~\GeV. The dashed histogram is for \vpion jets decaying in the hadronic calorimeter, and the dotted histogram is for \vpion jets decaying in the ID. Both are from the $\mHiggs = 126$~\GeV, $\mvpion = 10$~\GeV sample. The filled histogram is the multi-jet data sample used to evaluate the multi-jet contribution to the background. Events are required to satisfy $\met < 50$~\GeV.Caption not extracted
The probability, $P$, that a jet from the multi-jet data sample passes the trigger and all jet requirements including the $\et>60$~\GeV requirement is shown in (a). A Landau function is fitted to the leading and sub-leading jet distributions separately (solid and dashed lines). The probability, $Q$, to pass all jet requirements including the $\et>40$~\GeV requirement as a function of jet \et is shown in (b). An exponential function is fitted to the distribution (solid line). The $\et$ requirement is ignored when fitting to allow the curve to best match the shape of the data, but is used explicitly when $P$ and $Q$ are applied to a jet. The multijet data was gathered using a range of prescaled, single-jet triggers.Caption not extracted
Summary of systematic uncertainties for the \PhiSM and Higgs boson production cross-section, jet energy scale, trigger, missing transverse momentum, and the requirement on jet timing as a percentage of the signal yield. Systematic errors that have common values across samples are not listed (pile-up at 10\%, ISR at $^{+2.9}_{-1.2}$\%, and PDF at 2.1\%). The last column reports the total systematic uncertainty (including the luminosity and common systematic errors).}\%Summary of systematic uncertainties for the \PhiSM and Higgs boson production cross-section, jet energy scale, trigger, missing transverse momentum, and the requirement on jet timing as a percentage of the signal yield. Systematic errors that have common values across samples are not listed (pile-up at 10\%, ISR at $^{+2.9}_{-1.2}$\%, and PDF at 2.1\%). The last column reports the total systematic uncertainty (including the luminosity and common systematic errors).Summary of expected number of signal events, expected background present in the data sample, and the observed number of events in 20.3~fb$^{-1}$. The global acceptance is also given. The error on the signal samples is statistical only, the error on the expected background is statistical $\oplus$ systematic. All results are normalized for a proper decay length of the \vpion of 1.5~m. A 100\% branching ratio for \PhiHSd is assumed.Summary of systematic uncertainties for the \PhiSM and Higgs boson production cross-section, jet energy scale, trigger, missing transverse momentum, and the requirement on jet timing as a percentage of the signal yield. Systematic errors that have common values across samples are not listed (pile-up at 10\%, ISR at $^{+2.9}_{-1.2}$\%, and PDF at 2.1\%). The last column reports the total systematic uncertainty (including the luminosity and common systematic errors).\GeV
Number of events expected to pass the analysis selection in 20.3~fb$^{-1}$ as a function of the \vpion proper decay length for (a) three low-mass datasets and (b) three high-mass datasets. 100\% branching ratios for \PhiHSd are assumed.
Observed 95\% CL limits on $\sigma / \sigmaSM$ for $\mHiggs = 126$~\GeV as a function of the \vpion proper decay length: the solid line is for $\mvpion = 10$~\GeV, the dashed line is for $\mvpion = 25$~\GeV, the dotted line is for $\mvpion = 40$~\GeV. Assuming $\sigmaSM = 19.0$~pb, the horizontal solid line corresponds to BR = 30\% and the horizontal dashed line to BR = 10\%.
Observed 95\% CL limits for \mPhiSM = 100 and 140 \GeV.
Observed 95\% CL limits for \mPhiSM = 300, 600, and 900 \GeV.Observed 95\% CL limits on $\sigma \times$ BR [pb] for (a) low and (b) high-mass \PhiSM samples.