| CMB temperature power spectrum for a variety of models, all with the same parameters $\{100\,\theta_s, \omega_\mathrm{dcdm}^\mathrm{ini}, \omega_\mathrm{b}, \ln(10^{10} A_s), n_s, \tau_\mathrm{reio} \} = \{1.04119, 0.12038, 0.022032, 3.0980, 0.9619, 0.0925\}$ taken from the Planck+WP best fit~\cite{Ade:2013zuv}. For all models except the ``Decaying CDM'' one, the decay rate $\Gamma_\mathrm{dcdm}$ is set to zero, implying that the ``dcdm'' species is equivalent to standard cold DM with a present density $\omega_\mathrm{cdm} = \omega_\mathrm{dcdm}^\mathrm{ini} = 0.12038$. The ``Decaying CDM'' model has $\Gamma_\mathrm{dcdm}=20\,\mbox{km s}^{-1}\mbox{Mpc}^{-1}$, the ``Tensors'' model has $r=0.2$, and the ``Open'' (``Closed'') models have $\Omega_k = 0.02$ ($-0.2$). The main differences occur at low multiples and comes from either different late ISW contributions or non-zero tensor fluctuations. |