CERN Accelerating science

Title The EULIMA project
Author(s) Mandrillon, P (Paris, IN2P3 ; Nice, Lacassagne Ctr.) ; Ostojic, R (Boris Kidric Inst., Beograd) ; Susini, A (CERN) ; Jongen, Y (Cathol. U. Louvain (main)) ; Meulders, J P (Cathol. U. Louvain (main)) ; Ryckewaert, G (Cathol. U. Louvain (main))
Publication 1987
Imprint Oct 1986?
Number of pages 4
In: 11th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Tokyo, Japan, 13 - 17 Oct 1986, pp.203-206
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords accelerators ; booster ; cyclotron ; ion ; light ; medical
Copyright/License publication: (License: CC-BY)

 Záznam vytvorený 1990-01-29, zmenený 2022-08-17

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