| ~SR0noZa~SR2noZaThe $\MET$ and $\meff$ distributions for data and the estimated SM backgrounds, in signal regions (a)--(b) SR0noZa, (c)--(d) SR1noZa, and (e)--(f) SR2noZa. The irreducible background is estimated from MC simulation while the reducible background is estimated from data using the weighting method. Both the statistical and systematic uncertainties are included in the shaded bands. In each panel the distribution for a relevant SUSY signal model is also shown, where the numbers in parentheses indicate ($m_{\ninotwothree}$, $m_{\ninoone}$) for (a)--(b) and (e)--(f), or ($m_{\mathrm{NLSP}}$, $m_{\mathrm{LSP}}$) for (c)--(d), where all masses are in \gev. |