CERN Accelerating science

~Chargino NLSP~Gluino NLSPRepresentative diagrams for the RPV simplified models considered in this analysis.
~Sneutrino NLSPCaption not extracted
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~R-slepton RPCCaption not extracted
~\Zboson{} RPCCaption not extracted
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~Weak production GGMCaption not extracted
Representative diagrams of relevant processes for GGM models considered in this analysis.Caption not extracted
~VR0ZCaption not extracted
~VR2ZCaption not extracted
The (a),(c) \MET~and (b),(d) \meff~distributions for data and the estimated SM backgrounds, in validation regions VR0Z and VR2Z. Both the statistical and systematic uncertainties are included in the shaded uncertainty band. Underneath each plot, the ratio of the observed data to the SM prediction is shown, for comparison with the background uncertainty.Caption not extracted
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~SR0noZa~SR2noZaThe $\MET$ and $\meff$ distributions for data and the estimated SM backgrounds, in signal regions (a)--(b) SR0noZa, (c)--(d) SR1noZa, and (e)--(f) SR2noZa. The irreducible background is estimated from MC simulation while the reducible background is estimated from data using the weighting method. Both the statistical and systematic uncertainties are included in the shaded bands. In each panel the distribution for a relevant SUSY signal model is also shown, where the numbers in parentheses indicate ($m_{\ninotwothree}$, $m_{\ninoone}$) for (a)--(b) and (e)--(f), or ($m_{\mathrm{NLSP}}$, $m_{\mathrm{LSP}}$) for (c)--(d), where all masses are in \gev.
~SR1noZaCaption not extracted
~SR2noZaCaption not extracted
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~SR0noZb~SR2noZbThe $\MET$ and $\meff$ distributions for data and the estimated SM backgrounds, in signal regions (a)--(b) SR0noZb, (c)--(d) SR1noZb, and (e)--(f) SR2noZb. The irreducible background is estimated from MC simulation while the reducible background is estimated from data using the weighting method. Both the statistical and systematic uncertainties are included in the shaded bands. In each panel the distribution for a relevant SUSY signal model is also shown, where the numbers in parentheses indicate ($m_{\mathrm{NLSP}}$, $m_{\mathrm{LSP}}$) in \gev.
~SR1noZbCaption not extracted
~SR2noZbCaption not extracted
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~SR0Z~SR2ZThe $\MET$ and $\meff$ distributions for data and the estimated SM backgrounds, in signal regions (a)--(b) SR0Z, (c)--(d) SR1Z and (e)--(f) SR2Z. The irreducible background is estimated from MC simulation while the reducible background is estimated from data using the weighting method. Both the statistical and systematic uncertainties are included in the shaded bands. In each panel the distribution for a relevant SUSY signal model is also shown, where the numbers in parentheses indicate ($\mu$, $m_{\gluino}$) for (a)--(b), or ($m_{\mathrm{NLSP}}$, $m_{\mathrm{LSP}}$) for (c)--(f), where all masses are in \gev.
~SR1ZCaption not extracted
~SR2ZCaption not extracted
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~Chargino NLSPCaption not extracted
The observed (solid) and expected (dashed) 95\% CL exclusion limit contours for the RPV (a) chargino NLSP and (b) gluino NLSP simplified models, assuming a promptly decaying LSP. The exclusion limits include all uncertainties except the theoretical cross section uncertainty for the signal, the effect of which is indicated by the dotted lines either side of the observed exclusion limit contours. The shaded bands around each expected exclusion limit curve show the $\pm1\sigma$ results. No events above the diagonal dashed line were generated.Caption not extracted
~L-slepton NLSPCaption not extracted
~Sneutrino NLSPCaption not extracted
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~R-slepton RPC
~Stau RPC~\Zboson{} RPC
The 95\% CL exclusion limits for the RPC models: (a) R-slepton mass exclusion limit; (b) stau model and (c) \Zboson{} model upper limits on the production cross section for a massless LSP. For further details see \protect\figref{fig:ExpLimitWinoGluino}.Caption not extracted
~GGM $\tan\beta$=1.5
~GGM $\tan\beta$=30The 95\% CL exclusion limit contours for the (a) $\tan\beta = 1.5$ and (b) $\tan\beta = 30$ GGM models. The lower shaded area shows the excluded region. For further details see \protect\figref{fig:ExpLimitWinoGluino}.