CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-ACC-2013-0166
Title Working Point and Resonance Studies at the CERN PS
Author(s) Huschauer, A (CERN) ; Benedikt, M (CERN) ; Damerau, H (CERN) ; Freyermuth, P (CERN) ; Gilardoni, S S (CERN) ; Steerenberg, R (CERN) ; Vandorpe, B (CERN)
Publication 2013
Imprint 12 May 2013
Number of pages 3
In: 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, China, 12 - 17 May 2013, pp.2597
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract The increase of luminosity demanded by the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) requires an increase of beam intensity, which might result in instabilities appearing at injection energy in the CERN PS. Transverse head-tail instabilities have already been observed on operational LHC beams and a stabilizing mechanism as an alternative to linear coupling is currently being studied. It consists of reducing the mode number of the transverse oscillation by changing linear chromaticity and in succession completely suppressing the instability by a transverse damper system with appropriate bandwidth. Therefore, a chromaticity correction scheme at low energy exploiting the intrinsic possibilities offered by special circuits mounted on top of the main magnet poles, the Pole Face Windings (PFW), has been examined. The presence of destructive betatron resonances, which restrict the choice of the injection working point and the maximum acceptable tune spread, forms an additional limitation for high-brightness and high-intensity beams in the CERN PS. To improve the current working point control scheme, the influence of the PFW on the machine resonances is presented in this paper.

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 Записът е създаден на 2013-08-21, последна промяна на 2017-03-02

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