Introduction to General Relativity and Black Holes (4/5)
Damour, Thibault Marie Alban Guillaume 2001-03-29
2001 © CERN - 2001 0 © CERN
Video - : Conceptual foundations of General Relativity (GR). Uniqueness of GR. Mathematical framework: tensor calculus, Riemannian geometry, connection, 'spin' connection, curvature, Cartan's form calculus. Hilbert-Einstein action, Einstein equations. Weak gravitational fields. Post Newtonian Approximation. Gravitanional Waves. Exact solutions. Killing vectors. Experimental tests. Black Holes: extensions of the Schwarzschild solution; Kerr-Newman holes; no-hair theorems; energtics of black holes; the membrane approach; quantum mechanics of black holes; Bekenstein entropy; Hawking temperature; black holes and string theory.
Video - d : Physique théorique, caculs et trou noir
Date: 2001
Type: Footage - Portraits of science -
Language: eng
CERN, Geneva, 26 - 30 Mar 2001
The video was digitized from its original recording as part of the CERN Digital Memory project
The video 1566223-d was reviewed and enriched with additional information.
1566223-d Title: CERN Academic Training Lectures : Introduction to General Relativity and Black Holes - 29th March
1566223-d type: Conference Speech
1566223-d keywords: Black Hole,Potential,Newton,Equations,Reaction,Solution,Formulas,Orbits,Particles,Bound States,Momentum,Fermi,Co-Ordinate,Spacetime,Photon,Algebra,Infinity,Graphs,Radius,Dark Holes,Star,Collapse,Gravitational Field,Schwarzschild,Galaxy,Gravity,Space,Kinetic Energy,Integration,Decays,Membrane,Current,Element,Big Bang
1566223-d category: Portraits of science
1566223-d date: 2001-03-29
1566223-d filmed people: Damour, Thibault Marie Alban Guillaume
1566223-d description (eng): Lecture 4 - Cartan's form calculus. Hilbert-Einstein action, Einstein equations. Weak gravitational fields. Post Newtonian Approximation. Gravitational Waves. Exact solutions. Killing vectors. Experimental tests. Black Holes: extensions of the Schwarzschild solution; Kerr-Newman holes; no-hair theorems; energetics of black holes; the membrane approach; quantum mechanics of black holes; Bekenstein entropy; Hawking temperature; black holes and string theory
Physical medium: Source is Streaming video ; Source D is Betacam
Physical location: Tape D from
building 60 was packed in
box CM-A00000334
Observations during digitization:
Tape d: Audio present but not on all channels - High frequency interference pattern - Low RF, noisy picture - Video tracking issue -