| Example map constructed for nulling CMB anisotropies by differencing the 100\,GHz and 70\,GHz channels. A good fraction of the Galactic emission which stands out at low latitudes arises from CO in the 100\,GHz channel (see Section~\ref{sec:COmaps}). The overall impression of green, a colour not used in the colour bar, is due to the interaction between noise, the colour scale, and the display resolution. Positive and negative swings between pixels in the 70\,GHz noise map pick up reds and blues ``far'' from zero, which when displayed at less than full-pixel resolution give green.Foreground maps produced by {\tt Commander} (left, resolution 1\deg) and by {\tt Commander-Ruler} (right, resolution 7\arcm). See Sect.~\ref{sec:CommFGs} for details. {\it Top\/}: amplitude of low-frequency foregrounds (synchrotron, free-free, and anomalous microwave emission) at 30\,GHz . {\it Middle\/}: integrated intensity of CO {\sc Type~3}. {\it Bottom\/}: amplitude of high-frequency foregrounds (dust thermal emission and the cosmic infrared background) at 353\,GHz . |