CERN Accelerating science

Composite, multi-frequency, full-sky image released by \Planck\ in 2010. Made from the first nine months of the data, it illustrates artistically the multitude of Galactic, extragalactic, and cosmological components of the radiation detected by its payload. Unless otherwise specified, all full-sky images in this paper are Mollweide projections in Galactic coordinates, pixelised according to the {\tt HEALPix} \citep{gorski2005} scheme.
\Planck\ papers published simultaneously with the release of the 2013 products. The title of each paper is abbreviated. The roman numerals correspond to the sequence number assigned to each of the papers in the series; references include this number. Green boxes refer to papers describing aspects of data processing and the 2013 \Planck\ products. Blue boxes refer to papers mainly dedicated to scientific analysis of the products. Pink boxes describe specific 2013 \Planck\ products.
The trajectory of \Planck\ from launch until 13~January 2012, in Earth-centred rotating coordinates ($X$ is in the Sun-Earth direction; $Z$ points to the north ecliptic pole). Symbols indicate the start of routine operations (circle), the end of the nominal mission (triangle), and the end of HFI data acquisition (diamond). The orbital periodicity is 6\,months. The distance from the Earth-Moon barycentre is shown in the bottom right panel, together with Survey boundaries.
{\it Top two panels\/}: the path of the spin axis of \Planck\ (in ecliptic longitude and latitude) over the period 12 August 2009 (91 days after launch) to 13 January 2012, the ``0.1-K mission'' period (Table~\ref{TabSurveys}). {\it Bottom panel\/}: the evolution of the dwell time during the same period. Intervals of acceleration/deceleration (e.g., around observations of the Crab) are clearly visible as symmetric temporary increases and reductions of dwell time. Survey boundaries are indicated by vertical dashed lines in the upper plot. The change in cycloid phase is clearly visible at operational day (OD) 807. The disturbances around OD\,950 are due to the ``spin-up campaign".
noimg\Planck\ ``surveys'' (see Sect.~\ref{sec:ScanStrat} for the definition of a survey).
Survey coverage for the nominal (\textit{top}) and 0.1-K (\textit{bottom}) missions (see Table~\ref{TabSurveys}). The colour scale represents total integration time (varying between 50 and 8000\,s\,deg$^{-2}$) for the 353\,GHz channel. The maps are at $N_{\rm side}$ = 1024.
Thermal stability of the HFI bolometer ({\it top\/}), 1.4\,K optical filter (\textit{middle}) and 4-K cooler reference load (\textit{bottom}) stages. The horizontal axis displays days since launch (the nominal mission begins on day 91). The sharp feature at Day 460 is due to the sorption cooler switchover.
Distribution across the sky of the solid angle (top) and ellipticity of the effective beams at 100\,GHz, which is typical of all channels.
Example map constructed for nulling CMB anisotropies by differencing the 100\,GHz and 70\,GHz channels. A good fraction of the Galactic emission which stands out at low latitudes arises from CO in the 100\,GHz channel (see Section~\ref{sec:COmaps}). The overall impression of green, a colour not used in the colour bar, is due to the interaction between noise, the colour scale, and the display resolution. Positive and negative swings between pixels in the 70\,GHz noise map pick up reds and blues ``far'' from zero, which when displayed at less than full-pixel resolution give green.
Example map constructed for nulling CMB anisotropies by differencing the 100\,GHz and 70\,GHz channels. A good fraction of the Galactic emission which stands out at low latitudes arises from CO in the 100\,GHz channel (see Section~\ref{sec:COmaps}). The overall impression of green, a colour not used in the colour bar, is due to the interaction between noise, the colour scale, and the display resolution. Positive and negative swings between pixels in the 70\,GHz noise map pick up reds and blues ``far'' from zero, which when displayed at less than full-pixel resolution give green.Foreground maps produced by {\tt Commander} (left, resolution 1\deg) and by {\tt Commander-Ruler} (right, resolution 7\arcm). See Sect.~\ref{sec:CommFGs} for details. {\it Top\/}: amplitude of low-frequency foregrounds (synchrotron, free-free, and anomalous microwave emission) at 30\,GHz . {\it Middle\/}: integrated intensity of CO {\sc Type~3}. {\it Bottom\/}: amplitude of high-frequency foregrounds (dust thermal emission and the cosmic infrared background) at 353\,GHz .
Ratios of power spectra of \planck\ and \WMAP\ maps, using a joint mask ($f_{sky}=56.7\,\%$), and including corrections for both \Planck\ beams and for \Planck\ and \WMAP\ discrete source residuals. (70, 100, 143) and (V, W) refer to the corresponding \Planck\ and \WMAP\ channels.
Recalibration factor maximizing the CMB consistency in simulations (black) and in the data considering different multipole ranges (red and blue), at each \Planck\ frequency (in GHz on the horizontal axis). This is Figure~35 from \citep{planck2013-p03}.
This figure shows the distribution across the sky of the solid angle (top) and ellipticity of the effective beams at 100\,GHz. The distribution is typical for all channels.
This figure shows the distribution across the sky of the solid angle (top) and ellipticity of the effective beams at 100\,GHz. The distribution is typical for all channels.
The SMICA CMB map, with 3\,\% of the sky replaced by a constrained Gaussian realization. For the non-Gaussianity analysis (Sect.~\ref{sec:CMBNG} and \citealt{planck2013-p09a}), 73\,\% of the sky was used. Apart from filling of the blanked pixels, this is the same map as shown in Fig. 1 of \cite{planck2013-p06}.
Spatial distribution of the noise RMS on a color scale of 25\muK\ for the SMICA CMB map, from the noise map obtained by running SMICA through the half-ring maps and taking the half-difference. The average RMS noise is 17\muK. SMICA does not produce CMB values in the blanked pixels. They are replaced by a constrained Gaussian realization.
Angular spectra for the SMICA CMB products, evaluated over the confidence mask, and after removing the beam window function: spectrum of the CMB map (dark blue), spectrum of the noise in that map from the half-rings (magenta), their difference (grey), and a binned version of it (red).
Wiener-filtered lensing potential estimate, in Galactic coordinates using orthographic projection \citep{planck2013-p12}. The reconstruction was bandpass filtered to \mbox{$L \in [10, 2048]$}. Note that the lensing reconstruction, while highly statistically significant, is still noise dominated for every individual mode, and is at best ${\rm SNR} \approx 0.7$ around $L=30$.
Wiener-filtered lensing potential estimate, in Galactic coordinates using orthographic projection \citep{planck2013-p12}. The reconstruction was bandpass filtered to \mbox{$L \in [10, 2048]$}. Note that the lensing reconstruction, while highly statistically significant, is still noise dominated for every individual mode, and is at best ${\rm SNR} \approx 0.7$ around $L=30$.
The SMICA CMB map (with 3\,\% of the sky replaced by a constrained Gaussian realization).
Spatial distribution of the noise RMS on a color scale of 25~$\mu K$ for the SMICA CMB map. It has been estimated from the noise map obtained by running SMICA through the half-ring maps and taking the half-difference. The average noise RMS is 17~$\mu K$. SMICA does not produce CMB values in the blanked pixels. They are replaced by a constrained Gaussian realization.
Outline of the generation of astrophysical products being delivered by \Planck, in blue. Products in green are external; products in orange are not being delivered in the current release. Each product delivered is accompanied by specific data characterizing it (not shown on the diagram). The CIB analysis uses maps corrected for zodiacal emission beween 353 and 857\,GHz; for simplicity this is not reflected in the diagram.
Sky distribution of the {1227} clusters and candidates (red dots), in a Mollweide projection with the Galactic plane horizontal and centered at zero longitude. The small grey dots show the positions of masked point sources, and the grey shading shows the mask used to exclude the Magellanic clouds and the Galactic plane. The mask covers 16.3\,\%\ of the sky.
Foreground maps produced by {\tt Commander} (left, resolution 1\deg) and by {\tt Commander-Ruler} (right, resolution 7\arcm). See Sect.~\ref{sec:CommFGs} for details. {\it Top\/}: amplitude of low-frequency foregrounds (synchrotron, free-free, and anomalous microwave emission) at 30\,GHz . {\it Middle\/}: integrated intensity of CO {\sc Type~3}. {\it Bottom\/}: amplitude of high-frequency foregrounds (dust thermal emission and the cosmic infrared background) at 353\,GHz .
RMS fluctuations (in $\mu K_{RJ}$) of the diffuse components: the ``high-frequency Galactic component'', in blue; the ``low-frequency Galactic component'', in green, and the CMB in red, as obtained by the {\tt Commander} algorithm (Section~\ref{sec:CommFGs}). The maps have been smoothed to 35\arcm\ resolution. The rms is calculated at high galactic latitudes, outside two masks covering 23\,\% and 42\,\% of the sky around the galactic plane. Point sources in the PCCS at 30 and 353\,GHz have also been masked. An uncertainty envelope is indicated, estimated from the difference of the half-ring-based foreground maps. For reference, the average rms level in the plane (i.e., using the complement of these masks) is $20\times$ higher. The grey shaded areas represent the frequency coverage of the Planck bands, based on equivalent-noise bandwidths.
Polarized intensity at 353\,GHz (in mK$_{CMB}$) and polarization orientation indicated as segments of uniform length, in the Taurus region.
The contours show total foreground levels at high galactic latitudes ($f_{\rm sky} = 0.60$) as a fraction of the average CMB level in the frequency-multipole moment plane. Minimum foreground contamination is found at $\ell\sim 200$ at frequencies between 70 and 100\,GHz. The ripples in $\ell$ follow the pattern of acoustic peaks in the CMB power spectrum.
{\it Left\/}: Frequency spectra of individual diffuse foregrounds at high galactic latitudes, estimated at $\ell = 200$, the angular scale at which CMB fluctuations are greatest and foreground fluctuations are relatively the least important (see Fig.~\ref{FigFgContour}). The horizontal line gives the level of the CMB. {\it Right\/}: Angular power spectra of various foregrounds at 100\,GHz, along with the best-fit \Planck\ CMB spectrum. In both panels, solid lines show where the spectra are estimated from data, and dashed lines are extrapolations.
{\it Left\/}: Frequency spectra of individual diffuse foregrounds at high galactic latitudes, estimated at $\ell = 200$, the angular scale at which CMB fluctuations are greatest and foreground fluctuations are relatively the least important (see Fig.~\ref{FigFgContour}). The horizontal line gives the level of the CMB. {\it Right\/}: Angular power spectra of various foregrounds at 100\,GHz, along with the best-fit \Planck\ CMB spectrum. In both panels, solid lines show where the spectra are estimated from data, and dashed lines are extrapolations.
Measured angular power spectra of \Planck, WMAP9, ACT, and SPT. The model plotted is \Planck's best-fit model including \Planck\ temperature, WMAP polarization, ACT, and SPT (the model is labelled [Planck+WP+HighL] in \citet{planck2013-p11}). Error bars include cosmic variance. The horizontal axis is logarithmic up to $\ell = 50$, and linear beyond.
Marginalized 68\,\% and 95\,\% confidence levels for $n_s$ (the scalar spectral index of primordial fluctuations) and $r_{0.002}$ (the tensor to scalar power ratio at the pivot scale $k = 0.002$\,Mpc\mo) from Planck+WP, alone and combined with high-$\ell$ and BAO data, compared to the theoretical predictions of selected inflationary models.
Stacked maps of CMB intensity $I$ and polarization $Q_r$ at the position of the temperature extrema, at a common resolution of 30\arcm. Maps stacked on CMB cold spots are on the left; maps stacked on hot spots are on the right. Measured data on the top row are compared to the \Planck\ best-fit \LCDM\ model prediction on the bottom row.
Temperature maps $1\deg \times 1\deg$ at 545 and 857\,GHz stacked on the 20\,000 brightest peaks (left column) and valleys (centre column), and on 20\,000 random map locations (right column). The temperature scale is in kelvin. The arrows indicate the lensing deflection angle deduced from the gradient of the band-pass-filtered lensing potential map \citep{planck2013-p12} stacked on the same peaks. The longest arrow corresponds to a deflection of 6\parcs3, which is only a fraction of the total deflection angle because of our filtering. This stacking allows us to visualize in real space the lensing of the CMB by the galaxies that generate the CIB. The small offset between the peak of the lensing potential and the CIB is due to noise in the stacked lensing potential map. We use the same random locations for both 545 and 857\,GHz, hence the similar pattern seen in the top and bottom right panels.