| The MC simulation distributions of the lepton transverse momentum $\PT^{\ell}$ for each of the four leptons, ordered by $\PT^{\ell}$, from the process $\PH \to \cPZ\cPZ \to 4\ell$ for a Higgs boson mass of 125\GeV in the $4\Pe$ (top left), $4\mu$ (top right), and $2\Pe 2\mu$ (bottom left) channels. The distributions are shown for events when all four leptons are within the geometrical acceptance of the analysis (open histograms), and for events passing the final selection criteria (solid histograms).The bottom-right plot displays the event selection efficiencies for $\PH \to \cPZ\cPZ \to 4\ell$ determined from MC simulation, as a function of the Higgs boson mass, for the $4\Pe$, $4\mu$, and $2\Pe 2\mu$ channels. The efficiencies are relative to events where all four leptons are within the geometrical acceptance. Divergent contributions from $\cPZ\gamma^*$ with $\gamma^* \rightarrow \ell \ell$ at generator level are avoided by requiring that all dilepton invariant masses are greater than 1\GeV. |