CERN Accelerating science

Report number TRI-PP-83-67
Title The reaction p$^{-->}$ + d --> t + pi+ at intermediate energies
Author(s) Abegg, R ; Hutcheon, D A ; Miller, C A ; Arvieux, Jacques ; Cameron, J M ; Davis, C A ; Hussein, A ; Moss, G A ; Olsen, W C ; Roy, G ; Uegaki, J ; Van Heerden, I J
Affiliation (TRIUMF Vancouver) ; (Lab. Nat. Saturne) ; (Alberta Univ. Edmonton)
Publication 1984
Imprint Aug 1983
Number of pages 2
In: 10th International Conference on Few-body Problems in Physics, pp.225-226
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Free keywords pi+ ; polarized

 Registro creado el 1990-01-29, última modificación el 2019-02-21

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