CERN Accelerating science

noimgResults of template fits to $\mu+\tau$, $e+\tau$ and the combined BDT$_j$ distributions. The combined results are obtained by fitting the sum of the $\mu+\tau$ and $e+\tau$ BDT$_j$ distributions. The first column gives the channel and the second the $\tau$ type. The third column shows the extracted signal (sum of $\tau$ leptons and electrons misidentified as $\tau$ leptons) with the background template derived from 0 $b$-tag data distributions. The fourth column shows the extracted signal with the background template derived from $W+1$ jet. The uncertainties are from the uncertainties in the fit parameters and do not include the systematic uncertainties. The MC columns give the expected $\tau$ signal and the expected number of $t \overline{t}\rightarrow l+\tau$ events after subtracting the contribution from non-$t \overline{t}$ events to the signal, assuming the theoretical $t \overline{t}$ cross section (164 pb).
BDT$_j$ (OS-SS) distributions of $\ell+\tau$ ($e$ and $\mu$ combined) events in the 0 $b$-tag data (black points). The expected contributions from $\tau$ and $e$ are shown as a solid red line. The derived background templates are shown as dashed histogram with shaded/blue statistical uncertainty bands. The shapes of these background templates are used for the fits to the $\geq 1$ $b$-tag distributions after applying MC corrections. Top is for $\tau_1$, bottom for $\tau_3$.
BDT$_j$ (OS-SS) distributions of $\ell+\tau$ ($e$ and $\mu$ combined) events in the 0 $b$-tag data (black points). The expected contributions from $\tau$ and $e$ are shown as a solid red line. The derived background templates are shown as dashed histogram with shaded/blue statistical uncertainty bands. The shapes of these background templates are used for the fits to the $\geq 1$ $b$-tag distributions after applying MC corrections. Top is for $\tau_1$, bottom for $\tau_3$.
BDT$_j$ (OS-SS) distributions of $\ell+\tau$ in the $\geq 1$ $b$-tag sample. The normalisation of each template is derived from a fit to the data. The fitted contributions are shown as the light/red (signal), dashed/blue (background derived from 0 $b$-tag after applying MC corrections) and dark/black (total) lines. Shaded/blue bands are the statistical uncertainty of the background template.
BDT$_j$ (OS-SS) distributions of $\ell+\tau$ in the $\geq 1$ $b$-tag sample. The normalisation of each template is derived from a fit to the data. The fitted contributions are shown as the light/red (signal), dashed/blue (background derived from 0 $b$-tag after applying MC corrections) and dark/black (total) lines. Shaded/blue bands are the statistical uncertainty of the background template.
OS-SS number of jets distributions for events with at least one $b$-tag. The $\mu+\tau$ and $e+\tau$ channels have been summed together. The solid circles indicate data and the histograms indicate the expected signal and backgrounds. The normalisation of the expected signal and the backgrounds are based on the fit result. The uncertainty includes statistical and systematic contributions. The fraction of each background is estimated from MC. Top is for BDT$_j<0.7$, bottom for BDT$_j>0.7$.
OS-SS number of jets distributions for events with at least one $b$-tag. The $\mu+\tau$ and $e+\tau$ channels have been summed together. The solid circles indicate data and the histograms indicate the expected signal and backgrounds. The normalisation of the expected signal and the backgrounds are based on the fit result. The uncertainty includes statistical and systematic contributions. The fraction of each background is estimated from MC. Top is for BDT$_j<0.7$, bottom for BDT$_j>0.7$.
OS-SS invariant mass of jet and $\tau$ candidate for events with at least one $b$-tag. The jet is the highest $p_T$ untagged jet in events with more than one $b$-tag and the second highest $p_T$ untagged jet in events with one $b$-tag. The $\mu+\tau$ and $e+\tau$ channels have been summed together. The solid circles indicate data and the histograms indicate the expected signal and backgrounds. The normalisation of the expected signal and the backgrounds are based on the fit result. The uncertainty includes statistical and systematic contributions. The fraction of each background is estimated from MC. Top is for BDT$_j<0.7$, bottom for BDT$_j>0.7$.
OS-SS invariant mass of jet and $\tau$ candidate for events with at least one $b$-tag. The jet is the highest $p_T$ untagged jet in events with more than one $b$-tag and the second highest $p_T$ untagged jet in events with one $b$-tag. The $\mu+\tau$ and $e+\tau$ channels have been summed together. The solid circles indicate data and the histograms indicate the expected signal and backgrounds. The normalisation of the expected signal and the backgrounds are based on the fit result. The uncertainty includes statistical and systematic contributions. The fraction of each background is estimated from MC. Top is for BDT$_j<0.7$, bottom for BDT$_j>0.7$.