CERN Accelerating science

J/$\psi$ and $\psi$(2S) production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV - Chatrchyan, Serguei et al - arXiv:1111.1557CMS-BPH-10-014CERN-PH-EP-2011-177
Top: The $\mu^+\mu^-$ invariant mass distribution in the \Jpsi\ region and the result of the fit for the bin: $0.9 < |y| < 1.2$, $12 < \mypt < 15$ \GeVc. Bottom: \Jpsi~and \Psis~mass distribution fit for the bin: $|y| < 1.2$, $8 < \mypt < 9\GeVc$. The solid and dashed lines represent the total fits and their background components, respectively.
Top: The $\mu^+\mu^-$ invariant mass distribution in the \Jpsi\ region and the result of the fit for the bin: $0.9 < |y| < 1.2$, $12 < \mypt < 15$ \GeVc. Bottom: \Jpsi~and \Psis~mass distribution fit for the bin: $|y| < 1.2$, $8 < \mypt < 9\GeVc$. The solid and dashed lines represent the total fits and their background components, respectively.
Measured differential cross section for \Jpsi~inclusive production as a function of \mypt~for five rapidity bins, fully corrected for acceptance and efficiency. Also plotted are the results published in Ref.~\cite{JPsiPaper}, which extend to a lower \mypt~range. The error bars on data points include all the statistical and systematic contributions except luminosity and polarization. The measurements have been offset by the numerical values given in the legend for easier viewing.
Left: Projection of a \Jpsi~two-dimensional fit on the $\ell_{\Jpsi}$ dimension in the bin $|y| < 0.9$, $8 < \mypt < 9\GeVc$ and in the whole mass region [2.50, 3.35] \GeVcc. Right: Projection of a \Jpsi-\Psis~two-dimensional fit on the $\ell_{\Psis}$ dimension in the bin: $1.6 < |y| < 2.4$, $12 < \mypt < 15\GeVc$, in the \Psis~mass region [3.35, 4.20] \GeVcc. The solid lines represent the total fits; the prompt, non-prompt and background components are also shown using green dash-dotted, red dashed and blue dotted lines, respectively. The fit pull plots show no systematic structures.
Left: Projection of a \Jpsi~two-dimensional fit on the $\ell_{\Jpsi}$ dimension in the bin $|y| < 0.9$, $8 < \mypt < 9\GeVc$ and in the whole mass region [2.50, 3.35] \GeVcc. Right: Projection of a \Jpsi-\Psis~two-dimensional fit on the $\ell_{\Psis}$ dimension in the bin: $1.6 < |y| < 2.4$, $12 < \mypt < 15\GeVc$, in the \Psis~mass region [3.35, 4.20] \GeVcc. The solid lines represent the total fits; the prompt, non-prompt and background components are also shown using green dash-dotted, red dashed and blue dotted lines, respectively. The fit pull plots show no systematic structures.
noimg: Summary of the relative statistical and systematic uncertainties on the non-prompt \Jpsi~cross section~(in \%). The variation over the different \mypt~bins is given for the five rapidity regions. Uncertainties on the prompt cross section are identical, with the exception of the non-prompt fraction, where they must be regarded as relative to $(1-f_\cPqb)$ rather than to $f_\cPqb$. Acceptance uncertainties on the FSR are given, excluding the lowest-\mypt\ bin in every rapidity region, where it can be as large as $19\%$ because of acceptance edge effects.: Summary of the relative statistical and systematic uncertainties in the non-prompt \Psis~cross section~(in \%). The variation over the different \mypt~bins is given for the three rapidity regions. Uncertainties on the prompt cross section are identical, with the exception of the non-prompt fraction, where they must be regarded as relative to $(1-f_\cPqb)$ rather than to $f_\cPqb$. Acceptance uncertainties on the FSR are given excluding the lowest-\mypt\ bin in every rapidity region, where it can be as large as $29\%$ because of acceptance edge effects.
Measured differential cross section for prompt \Jpsi\ and \Psis\ production (left and right, respectively) as a function of \mypt~for different rapidity bins. The error bars on the data points include all the statistical and systematic contributions except luminosity and polarization. The measurements have been offset by the numerical values given in the legend for easier viewing. The coloured (dark) bands indicate the theoretical predictions from NRQCD calculations. The lines are added only for illustrative purposes.
Measured differential cross section for prompt \Jpsi\ and \Psis\ production (left and right, respectively) as a function of \mypt~for different rapidity bins. The error bars on the data points include all the statistical and systematic contributions except luminosity and polarization. The measurements have been offset by the numerical values given in the legend for easier viewing. The coloured (dark) bands indicate the theoretical predictions from NRQCD calculations. The lines are added only for illustrative purposes.
Measured differential cross section for non-prompt \Jpsi\ and \Psis\ production (left and right, respectively) as a function of \mypt~for different rapidity bins. The error bars on the data points include all the statistical and systematic contributions except luminosity. The measurements have been offset by the numerical values given in the legend for easier viewing. The coloured (dark) bands indicate the theoretical predictions from FONLL calculations. The lines are added only for illustrative purposes.
Measured differential cross section for non-prompt \Jpsi\ and \Psis\ production (left and right, respectively) as a function of \mypt~for different rapidity bins. The error bars on the data points include all the statistical and systematic contributions except luminosity. The measurements have been offset by the numerical values given in the legend for easier viewing. The coloured (dark) bands indicate the theoretical predictions from FONLL calculations. The lines are added only for illustrative purposes.
Measured differential cross section for prompt \Jpsi~(left) and \Psis~(right) production as a function of \mypt~for the different rapidity bins. The error bars on data points include all the statistical and systematic contributions except luminosity. The measurements have been offset by the numerical values given in the legend for easier viewing. The results are not corrected for the muon acceptance.
Measured differential cross section for prompt \Jpsi~(left) and \Psis~(right) production as a function of \mypt~for the different rapidity bins. The error bars on data points include all the statistical and systematic contributions except luminosity. The measurements have been offset by the numerical values given in the legend for easier viewing. The results are not corrected for the muon acceptance.
Measured differential cross section for non-prompt \Jpsi~(left) and \Psis~(right) production as a function of \mypt~for the different rapidity bins. The error bars on data points include all the statistical and systematic contributions except luminosity. The measurements have been offset by the numerical values given in the legend for easier viewing. The result is not corrected for the muon acceptance.
Measured differential cross section for non-prompt \Jpsi~(left) and \Psis~(right) production as a function of \mypt~for the different rapidity bins. The error bars on data points include all the statistical and systematic contributions except luminosity. The measurements have been offset by the numerical values given in the legend for easier viewing. The result is not corrected for the muon acceptance.
Fitted \Jpsi~and \Psis~non-prompt fractions plotted as a function of \mypt~for three rapidity regions: $0<|y|<1.2$ (top); $1.2<|y|<1.6$ (middle); $1.6<|y|<2.4$ (bottom). The inner error bars represent the statistical uncertainties only, the outer ones are the quadratic sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties.
Fitted \Jpsi~and \Psis~non-prompt fractions plotted as a function of \mypt~for three rapidity regions: $0<|y|<1.2$ (top); $1.2<|y|<1.6$ (middle); $1.6<|y|<2.4$ (bottom). The inner error bars represent the statistical uncertainties only, the outer ones are the quadratic sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties.
Fitted \Jpsi~and \Psis~non-prompt fractions plotted as a function of \mypt~for three rapidity regions: $0<|y|<1.2$ (top); $1.2<|y|<1.6$ (middle); $1.6<|y|<2.4$ (bottom). The inner error bars represent the statistical uncertainties only, the outer ones are the quadratic sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties.
Measured value of $R$, the \Psis~to \Jpsi~differential cross-section ratio defined in Eq.~\ref{eq:ratio}, for prompt (left) and non-prompt (right) production, averaged over rapidity and plotted as a function of \mypt. The left plot also includes the comparison with the NRQCD prediction, while the right plot shows the predictions of the theoretical models used to determine $\mathcal{B}(\PB \to \Psis X)$, after the latter have been rescaled to the fitted value given in Eq.~(\ref{eq:BR}). The shaded bands show the uncertainties on the theoretical predictions. The error bars give the total uncertainties on the measurements; polarization uncertainties are not included.
Measured value of $R$, the \Psis~to \Jpsi~differential cross-section ratio defined in Eq.~\ref{eq:ratio}, for prompt (left) and non-prompt (right) production, averaged over rapidity and plotted as a function of \mypt. The left plot also includes the comparison with the NRQCD prediction, while the right plot shows the predictions of the theoretical models used to determine $\mathcal{B}(\PB \to \Psis X)$, after the latter have been rescaled to the fitted value given in Eq.~(\ref{eq:BR}). The shaded bands show the uncertainties on the theoretical predictions. The error bars give the total uncertainties on the measurements; polarization uncertainties are not included.