CERN Accelerating science

Title Results from the electron cooling experiments at CERN
Author(s) Møller-Petersen, P ; Bell, M ; Chaney, J E ; Cittolin, Sergio ; Herr, H ; Koziol, Heribert (CERN) ; Krienen, F ; Lebée, G ; Petrucci, Guido ; Poth, Helmut ; Sherwood, T ; Stefanini, G ; Taylor, C ; Tecchio, L B ; Rubbia, Carlo ; van der Meer, S ; Wikberg, Tore
Publication 1980
In: 5th European Symposium on Nucleon-antinucleon Interactions, Bressanone, Italy, 23 - 28 Jun 1980, pp.27-36
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

 Zapis kreiran 1990-01-28, zadnja izmjena 2019-02-21