![](http://cds.cern.ch/record/1340820/files/ALP_map.png) | Comprehensive ALP parameter space, highlighting the three main front lines of direct detection experiments: laser-based laboratory techniques, helioscope (solar ALPs and axions), and microwave cavities (dark matter axions). The blue line corresponds to the current helioscope limits, dominated by CAST~\cite{Andriamonje:2007ew,Arik:2008mq} for practically all axion masses but for the $m_a \sim 0.85-1$ eV exclusion line from the last Tokyo helioscope results\cite{Inoue:2008zp}. Also shown are the constraints from horizontal branch (HB) stars, supernova SN1987A, and hot dark matter (HDM). The yellow ``axion band'' is defined roughly by $m_a f_a\sim m_\pi f_\pi$ with a somewhat arbitrary width representing the range of realistic models. The green line refers to the KSVZ model ($C_\gamma\sim-1.92$). |