CERN Accelerating science

View of the OPERA detector; the neutrino beam enters from the left. The upper horizontal lines indicate the two identical super-modules (SM1 and SM2). The target area is made of walls filled with lead/emulsion bricks interleaved with 31 planes of plastic scintillators (TT) per SM. The VETO detector and a magnet with its inserted RPC planes are indicated by arrows, as well as some PT and XPC planes. The Brick Manipulator System (BMS) is also visible. See \protect{\cite{Detector}} for more details.
Examples of charged current (top) and neutral current (bottom) events as seen in one projection view of the OPERA electronic detectors. In this view, the 2 SM can be recognised: for each one, the target is followed by the muon spectrometer.
Examples of charged current (top) and neutral current (bottom) events as seen in one projection view of the OPERA electronic detectors. In this view, the 2 SM can be recognised: for each one, the target is followed by the muon spectrometer.
noimg: Efficiencies for the selection of contained events.: MC efficiencies for CC and NC selection using the cut on $N_{ED}$. If $N_{ED} > 14$ the event is classified as CC, otherwise it is classified as NC.
Integral fraction of selected events as a function of the cut on $N_{ED}$ for MC CC events (solid line) and MC NC events (dashed line). For this figure the contained event requirement is not applied.
Number of hit walls for data (dots with error bars) and MC (solid line) contained events. The first bump is mainly due to NC events (dashed line) whereas the second and the third ones originate from CC events crossing one and two SM, respectively. The MC distribution has been normalised to data.
Length $\times$ density comparison for data (dots with error bars) and MC (solid line) for events classified as CC (i.e. length $\times$ density $> 660$ g~$\times$~cm$^{-2}$). The MC distribution has been normalised to data.
Muon momentum comparison (momentum $\times$ charge). Data are shown by dots, errors are statistical only. The MC prediction, normalised to the number of p.o.t. corresponding to the 2008-2009 data sample, is shown by the coloured area. The dominant source of the spread of the MC prediction is due to the 10 \% uncertainty on the expected number of $\nu_{\mu}$ CC events. For illustration purposes only, the lower dashed curve represents the contribution obtained from the $\nu_{\mu}$ to $\nu_{\tau}$ MC events with subsequent decay into $\mu$ of the final state $\tau$ lepton. The normalisation of this contribution is arbitrary.
Muon charge comparison (momentum $\times$ charge): data (black dots with error bars) and MC (solid line) are normalised to one.
Number of detected p.e. on each extremity of the TT strips as a function of the hit position with respect to the left and right PMTs. The full circles are data, the empty ones are MC expectations.
Energy deposit in the TT for events with at least one reconstructed muon (left) and events with no muon (right). Dots with error bars correspond to data and solid lines to MC. MC distributions are normalised to data.
Energy deposit in the TT for events with at least one reconstructed muon (left) and events with no muon (right). Dots with error bars correspond to data and solid lines to MC. MC distributions are normalised to data.
Total reconstructed energy for events with at least one identified muon for data (dots with error bars) and MC (solid line). The MC distribution is normalised to data.
Bjorken-$y$ variable reconstructed in data (dots with error bars) and MC (shaded areas). The MC distributions are normalised to data. The different contributions of the MC are shown in different colours: QE + RES contribution in light grey, DIS contribution in grey and the NC contamination in dark grey. On the left, all the events with at least one muon are shown whereas on the right the events for which the momentum is measured in the spectrometer are shown.
Bjorken-$y$ variable reconstructed in data (dots with error bars) and MC (shaded areas). The MC distributions are normalised to data. The different contributions of the MC are shown in different colours: QE + RES contribution in light grey, DIS contribution in grey and the NC contamination in dark grey. On the left, all the events with at least one muon are shown whereas on the right the events for which the momentum is measured in the spectrometer are shown.
Transverse hadronic shower profile (left), in the X and Y projections, and longitudinal profile (right), in number of TT walls. Data are shown by dots with error bars and MC by the solid line. MC distributions are normalised to data.
Transverse hadronic shower profile (left), in the X and Y projections, and longitudinal profile (right), in number of TT walls. Data are shown by dots with error bars and MC by the solid line. MC distributions are normalised to data.
MC energy resolution computed using the CNGS neutrino energy spectrum.