CERN Accelerating science

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Title A charm search at the CERN intersecting storage rings
Author(s) Block, M ; Böhn, A ; Ceradini, F ; DiBitonto, Daryl ; Irion, J ; Kernan, A ; Layter, J ; Müller, F ; Nakkasyan, A ; Naroska, B ; Nussbaum, M ; Orkinlecaourtois, A ; Rubbia, C ; Schwitz, M ; Schinzel, D ; Seebrunner, H ; Shen, B ; Staude, A ; Tirler, R ; van Dalen, G ; Voss, R
Publication 1977
Imprint 1977
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment


 レコード 生成: 2009-06-05, 最終変更: 2012-09-28