CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 5th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle
Related conference title(s) CKM2008
CKM 2008
Date(s), location 09 Sep - 13 Sep 2008, Rome, Italy
Imprint 2008

Contributions in Inspire: C08-09-09
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Flavor Physics in the Quark Sector
by Antonelli, Mario
Bs->mu+mu- at LHC
by Sivoklokov, S
D0-D0bar mixing and CP violation at LHC
by Spradlin, Patrick
Prospects for B ®hh at LHCb
by Rodrigues, E
LHC Perspectives for b lifetimes, $\Delta m, \Delta\Gamma$
by Robbe, Patrick
Measurements of g at LHCb with ADS/GLW Strategies
by Powell, Andrew
Prospects for $B_{d} \to K*\mu\mu$ at the LHC
by Patel, Mitesh
Search for New Physics in $B_{s} \to J/\psi\phi$ decay @ LHC
by Lanfranchi, Gaia
Perspectives on Flavour Physics at Hadron Machines
by Koppenburg, Patrick
CP violation in B -> hhh @ LHCb
by Guerrer, Gabriel
Time dependent measurements of gamma at LHCb
by Carbone, Angelo
$B_{s} \to \phi\gamma$ prospects at LHCb
by Belyaev, Ivan
CP violation in $B_{s} \to \phi\phi$ and $B_{s} \to K^{*0}\overline{K}^{*0}$
by Xie, Yuehong

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 Element opprettet 2008-10-06, sist endret 2012-01-30

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