CERN Accelerating science

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Report number TESLA-94-23
Title Magnetic Shielding of the TESLA TTF Superconducting Cavities
Author(s) Boloré, M (DAPNIA ; CE Saclay) ; Bonin, B (DAPNIA ; CE Saclay) ; Daillant, B (DAPNIA ; CE Saclay) ; Delferrière, O (DAPNIA ; CE Saclay) ; Faure, J (DAPNIA ; CE Saclay) ; Jaïdane, S (DAPNIA ; CE Saclay) ; Jacques, E (DAPNIA ; CE Saclay) ; Safa, H (DAPNIA ; CE Saclay) ; Vallet, C (DAPNIA ; CE Saclay)
Publication 1994
Imprint Sep 1994
Number of pages 14
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

