CERN Accélérateur de science

Conference title 21st Rencontres de Moriond
Related conference title(s) 6th Moriond Workshop, Location unknown
Date(s), location 25 Jan - 1 Feb 1986, Tignes, France
Editor(s) Fackler, Orrin (ed.) ; Trân Thanh Vân, Jean (ed.)
Imprint Gif-sur-Yvette : Ed. Frontières, 1986 - 704 p.
Series (M ; 48)
ISBN 2863320408
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords beta ; cosmic ; detectors ; double ; heavy ; leptons ; oscillations ; solar

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C86-01-25.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Introductory talk (p. 1)
by Rosen, S P
Structure in the universe from massive neutrinos (p. 33)
by Klinkhamer, F R
Closing the door on dark matter candidates (p. 51)
by Steigman, G
The electron neutrino mass and neutrinoless double beta decay (p. 101)
by Langacker, P G
Solar neutrino detection in ICARUS (p. 159)
by Baldo-Ceolin, Massimilla
The NUSEX experiment at Mont Blanc (p. 165)
by Bellotti, E
Massive neutrinos and neutrino mixing (p. 187)
by Petcov, S T
Searches for decays of heavy neutrinos in the CHARM experiment (p. 229)
by Dorenbosch, Jheroen
Search for heavy neutral leptons at CELLO (p. 241)
by Aleksan, Roy
Experimental constraints on lepton mixing angles and neutrino mass differences for three simultaneously oscillating neutrino flavours (p. 271)
by Kleinknecht, K
Results on neutrino oscillations from an appearance experiment in BEBC (p. 279)
by Katsanevas, S
Search for neutrino oscillations at LAMPF (p. 287)
by Harper, R W
Thermal pulse detection of photons and charged particles (p. 391)
by Riisager, K
The superconducting tunneljunction : a new high-resolution detector in the KeV range(p. 397)
by Zacek, V
Detecting dark matter with superconducting grains (p. 415)
by Spergel, D N
2beta-decay and the pion-induced double charge exchange nuclear reaction (p. 585)
by Ching, C R
New theoretical developments on the double beta decay and the pattern of neutrino mixings (p. 589)
by Takasugi, E
The fifth force (p. 643)
by Glashow, Sheldon Lee
Summary Talk (p. 653)
by Fiorini, Ettore
Summary in theory (p. 681)
by Steigman, G
Determination of alpha$_{S}$ using the planar triple energy correlation and the energy correlation asymmetry
by Chen, M
Evidence for a 17-kev neutrino in h-3 and s-35 beta spectra
by Simpson, J J

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 Notice créée le 1990-01-27, modifiée le 2021-07-30

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