CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 2nd IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) National Particle Accelerator Conference
PAC '67
Date(s), location 1 - 3 Mar 1967, Washington, DC, USA
Editor(s) Howard, Fred T (ed.)
Imprint 1967
In: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 14, 3 (1967)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords beam ; extraction ; injection ; ion ; magnets ; monitoring ; radiation ; rf ; safety ; sources ; targets
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Advances in the Design of Proton Linear Accelerators - Meson Factories and Injectors for Synchrotrons (p. 1)
by Nagle, D E
New Accelerators for Very Heavy Ions - Productions of Super-Elements (p. 5)
by Ghiorso, A
Recent Advances in DC Accelerators (p. 16)
by Rose, P H
A Decade of Progress in Cyclotrons - - Frequency Modulated and Isochronous (p. 23)
by Khoe, T K
High Current DC Ion Beams (p. 29)
by Kelley, G G
Studies of an Expanded Plasma Front Duoplasmatron Ion Source (p. 39)
by Fasolo, J A
A Study of Duoplasmatron Ion Source with an Expansion Cup (p. 46)
by Abdel-Aziz, M E
Characteristics of High Current P. I. G. Ion Source at Low Gas Pressure (p. 53)
by Abdel-Aziz, M E
Dynamag Ion Source with Open Cyclindrical Extractor (p. 60)
by Cleland, M R
A Penning Discharge Ion Source for High Brightness (p. 65)
by Bennett, G W
A Small "Cold-Cathode" High- Intensity Cyclotron Ion Source (p. 70)
by Wells, D K
Surface Ionization Ion Sources (p. 72)
by Wilson, R G
Production of Negative Helium Ions by Nearly-Resonant Charge Exchange in Potassium (p. 75)
by Ennis, R M
Modified He Ion Source Using Cs Vapor Charge Exchange (p. 78)
by Rose, F A
Modification of an Ion Source for the Production of Microampere 4He- Beams* (p. 82)
by John, J
A High Current Electron Gun Suitable for Use Down to 1 Nanosecond Pulse Length (p. 87)
by Willard, J
On the Design of Axially Symmetric Electron Guns (p. 93)
by Beal, J W
The Electron Gun for the Stanford Two-Mile Accelerator (p. 98)
by Miller, R H
Multiple Beam Pulse Capability of the SLAC Injector (p. 104)
by Koontz, R F
A Magnetic Bottle with Electrodes for Trapping Low Energy Electrons (p. 110)
by Krisciokaitis, R J
New Developments in High Voltage Technology (p. 113)
by Trump, J G
Magnetically Suppressed Accelerator Tubes (p. 122)
by Howe, F A
A Differential Pumping Tube for Electrostatic Accelerators (p. 126)
by Howe, F A
High Gradient Accelerating Column Design and Construction (p. 129)
by Lee, G M
Highly Stabilized Electron Accelerators for Electron Microscopy at Extra-High Voltages (p. 134)
by Reinhold, G
Future High Voltage DC Power Supplies of the Shielded Design (p. 139)
by Reinhold, G
Simple Improvements in Small High-Voltage DC Power Supplies (p. 143)
by Langsdorf, A
Progress in the Development of a 4-MV Positive Ion Accelerator for High Beam Currents (p. 145)
by Reinhold, G
An Original Neutron Generator Using a Short Structure Accelerating System and Turbomolecular Pumping (p. 151)
by Fremiot, C
Mechanical Design Concepts of Dynamitron Accelerators (p. 157)
by Mason, C F
An Improved Control System for Van De Graaff Accelerators (p. 161)
by Gere, E A
Terminal Voltage Fluctuations of an FN Tandem Van De Graaff Accelerator (p. 166)
by Fauska, H
Multi-Loop Feedback System for Dynamitron Voltage Regulation (p. 169)
by Thompson, C C
A Nanosecond Beam Pulsing and Time-of-Flight System for an MP Tandem (p. 174)
by Purser, K H
X-Radiation from Van De Graaff Accelerator Ion Sources (p. 181)
by Bernard, D L
An Improved Sulphur Hexafluoride Gas Handling System for a Potential Drop Partical Accelerator (p. 187)
by Marsik, S J
The MIT High Duty, High Intensity 400-MeV Linear Electron Accelerator (p. 191)
by Bertozzi, W
High Duty Factor RF Sources at 800 MHz (p. 197)
by Hagerman, D C
Fast Automatic Phase and Amplitude Control of High-Power RF Systems (p. 205)
by Jameson, R A
Optimum Generator Characteristics of RF Amplifiers for Heavily Beam-Loaded Accelerators (p. 213)
by Boyd, T J
The RF System for the AGS Linac Injector (p. 217)
by Sheehan, J F
Design and Performance of the SLAC RF Drive System (p. 223)
by Farkas, Z D
RF System Design for the SLAC Storage Ring (p. 229)
by Allen, M A
The AGS Conversion RF System (p. 234)
by Tranis, A
The AGS Conversion Radio Frequency Power Amplifier (p. 237)
by Rheaume, R H
Accelerating System for the Cornell 10 - GeV Electron Synchrotron (p. 241)
by Tigner, M
RF Power System for the Separated-Orbit Cyclotron Experiment (p. 246)
by Mosko, S W
Experimental Studies of the Omnitron Electrical Components (p. 250)
by Davis, J W
A Compact RF System for a 30-Inch AVF Cyclotron (p. 257)
by Hendry, G O
A Compact 70 - MW, 250 - KV Modulator Using Thyratrons (p. 260)
by Latham, C
Computer Design of UHF Power Amplifier Tubes (p. 266)
by Liska, D
The Klystrom - An Ultra High Power RF Energy Source (p. 273)
by Reid, D W
Low Distortion RF Amplifier Video Pulses (p. 278)
by Fox, L J
Design of Traveling Wave Electron Linear Accelerators (p. 282)
by Gallagher, W J
RF Perturbation Measurements in Long Linac Cavities (p. 286)
by Owen, C W
Studies of Multistem Drift Tube Accelerator Structures (p. 290)
by Giordano, S
Numerical Analysis of the RF Field in a Drift Tube Loaded Cavity (p. 295)
by Batchelor, K
Studies of Multi-Drive Excitation for Alvarez Structures (p. 303)
by Giordano, S
Design of a 3 Ampere Peak Steady State 0.001 Duty, 10 - MeV Linear Electron Accelerator (p. 307)
by Whitham, K
Folded Ferrite Loaded Cavities for Impedance Matching in the AGS (p. 312)
by Plotkin, M
RF Accelerating Cavities for AGS Conversion (p. 315)
by Rakowsky, G
The Development of 2000 - Ampere Diodes for High Current Ferrite Biasing Supplies (p. 320)
by Tusting, R F
Pole-Zero Analysis of Distributed Radio-Frequency Acceleration Systems (p. 328)
by Katz, J E
Coaxial Cavities for Separated Orbit Cyclotrons (p. 331)
by Ziegler, N F
Low Temperature Aspects of a Cryogenic Accelerator (p. 336)
by Schwettman, H A
Accelerating Structures for Superconducting Electron Linacs (p. 345)
by Weaver, J N
Proposed Microwave Systems for Superconducting Radiofrequency Beam Separators (p. 350)
by Halama, H J
Design Study of a Superconducting Radiofrequency Beam Separator (p. 356)
by Hahn, H
The Future of Superconducting Magnets (p. 361)
by Laverick, C
Secondary Beam Magnets for the 200 - BeV Accelerator -- Conventional or Superconducting? (p. 372)
by Meuser, R B
Selection of a Lamination Shape for a Fast-Cycling Alternating-Gradient Magnet Core (p. 377)
by Hernandez, H P
Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation at Low Temperature on NbZr Coil Performance (p. 383)
by Benaroya, R
Elliptical and Circular Current Sheets to Produce a Prescribed Internal Field (p. 386)
by Beth, R A
Superconducting Beam Handling Equipment (p. 389)
by Britton, R B
Copper-Tape-Wound, Edge-Cooled Solenoid (p. 393)
by Morris, D W
Use of Aluminum Coils Instead of Copper Coils in Accelerator Magnet Systems (p. 398)
by Green, M A
A Prestressed -Core Hollow-Strap-Coil Test Magnet for the Omnitron (p. 405)
by Scalise, D T
A New Hydrodynamic Liquid Cooling Method for Edge-Cooled, Flat Conductor Magnet Coils and for Liquid-Cooled Ferrite RF Resonator Discs (p. 410)
by Dorward, J G
Theory, Design and Measurement of the Brookhaven Narrow Quadrupoles (p. 414)
by Danby, G T
Drift Tube Quadrupoles (p. 420)
by Otis, A N
AGS Low Field Correction Elements (p. 425)
by Herrera, J C
Magnet Design for Very High Energy Synchrotron Employing a Separated Function Magnet Lattice (p. 431)
by Danby, G T
Methods of Computing the Time Constant and Impedence of Magnets (p. 437)
by Praeg, W F
Three Dimensional Properties of Magnetic Beam Transport Elements (p. 442)
by Danby, G T
The Beam Transport System of the Michigan State University Cyclotron (p. 450)
by MacKenzie, G H
Magnet System for 4- MeV Experimental Separated-Orbit Cyclotron (p. 456)
by Hudson, E D
A Sector Magnet for a 10-50 MeV SOC (p. 460)
by Hudson, E D
A Fast Sequencing Bipolar Energy Discharge System for the Beam Bumper Magnet in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (p. 464)
by Hornstra, F
Fast Kicker Magnets for the 200 - GeV Accelerator (p. 468)
by Faltens, A
Establishment of Precise Magnetic Fields in the Momentum Analyzing System at SLAC (p. 473)
by Seppi, E J
A Turbine Driven Rotating Coil Magnetometer (p. 478)
by Rowe, E M
Complex of Systems for Measuring the Characteristics and Stabilization of Static Magnetic Fields (p. 482)
by Denisov, Yu N
Influence of Magnetic Elements on an Isochronous Cyclotron Field (p. 487)
by Theus, R B
The 200 - MeV Electron-Positron Storage Ring Magnet Power Supply (p. 493)
by Hicks, J W
A Megawatt Solid-State Inverter to Power the Cornell 10 - GeV Electron Synchrotron (p. 496)
by Kellers, C F
A Low Ripple Pulsed Phased Back Power Supply (p. 500)
by Cassel, R
Flat Topping the PPA Synchrotron Magnet (p. 503)
by Huttar, D
Protective Relaying and Monitoring of the Ring Magnet Power Supply for the Argonne National Laboratory Zero Gradient Synchrotron (p. 507)
by Visser, A T
Fault Detection in Synchrotron Magnet Coils (p. 512)
by Rohrmayer, A
The Failure of the Alternators of the Nimrod Main Magnet Power Supply (p. 517)
by Brooks, H C
Review of Dynamic Instabilities in Circular Accelerators (p. 522)
by Neil, V K
Electron Linac Instabilities (p. 529)
by Loew, G A
A Method of Computing Generalized Orbit Constants in Synchrotron Lattices (p. 541)
by Morgan, G H
Studies of Resonant Synchrotron Oscillation Effects Using Moser Transformations (p. 546)
by Steban, J D
Orbits in Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (p. 552)
by Chien, C S
Revised Linac Beam Dynmics Equations (p. 557)
by Schnizer, B
Theory of Longitudinal Instabilities in Synchrotrons, with Applications (p. 562)
by Pease, R L
Beam-Envelope Oscillations with Space Charge in Circular Particle Accelerators (p. 567)
by Lapostolle, Pierre M
On the Design of a High Intensity Proton Linear Accelerator (p. 572)
by Lapostolle, Pierre M
Computer Calculations of Effect of Space Charge on Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Proton Linear Accelerators (p. 577)
by Benton, A
Space Charge Effects in High Current Linear Electron Accelerator Injection Systems (p. 581)
by Williams, C B
A Relativistically Corrected Three Dimensional Space Charge Analysis of Electron Bunching (p. 586)
by Haimson, J
Space-Charge Effects on the Quadropole Focusing System in Low-Energy Proton Linear Accelerators (p. 594)
by Ohnuma, S
Throbbing Beam Instabilities in Particle Accelerators and Storage Rings (p. 602)
by Lee, M J
Space Charge Defocussing of Bunched Beams (p. 607)
by Gallagher, W J
Longitudinal Space Charge Effects in RF Buckets (p. 612)
by Trzeciak, W S
Computer Studies of Orbits in High Energy Microtrons (p. 624)
by Robinson, C S
The Design of Low-Beta Insertions for Storage Rings (p. 630)
by Morton, P L
Beam Measurements in the Harwell Variable Energy Cyclotron (p. 635)
by Lawson, J D
Studies of Beam Behavior in the Energy Region of 50-400 MeV with the Brookhaven Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (p. 641)
by Van Steenbergen, A
The Resistive Wall Instability and Damping System in Nimrod (p. 653)
by Gardner, I S K
Beam Extraction from the Proton Synchrotron (p. 660)
by Barton, M Q
Use of a Debuncher to Obtain Variable Energy from A Linear Accelerator Beam (p. 666)
by Myers, W
A Proposed System for Multi-Cycle Injection of Positrons and Electrons into the 6-GeV Cambridge Electron Accelerator (p. 670)
by Robinson, K W
Adjustment and Test of the 300 - MeV Extraction System For the NASA 600 - MeV Synchrocyclotron (p. 677)
by Younger, F C
External Beam Performance at P. P. A. (p. 684)
by Kirchgessner, J
ZGS External Proton Beam (p. 688)
by Ratner, L G
A New Scheme of Beam Extraction of the Argonne Zero Gradient Synchrotron (p. 693)
by Martin, J H
Radiofrequency Stimulation of Resonant Slow Extraction Systems (p. 696)
by Robertson, D S
Slow Extraction from FFAG Accelerators (p. 702)
by Hammer, C L
Completion of Construction and Initial Operation of the SLAC Accelerator (p. 705)
by Neal, R B
The General Atomic Coupled Electron Linear Accelerator (p. 721)
by Adcock, D R
Operation and Performance of a Compact, Isochronous Cyclotron (p. 729)
by Mulady, J R
A Small Helium-3 Cyclotron (p. 733)
by Main, R M
Performance Characteristics of the ZGS (p. 740)
by Martin, R L
The Operational Experience with Nimrod (p. 743)
by Gray, D A
Design of a 15-MeV CW Microtron (p. 749)
by Wintersteiner, P P
Four-Sector Racetrack Microtrons (p. 756)
by Froelich, H R
A 4-MeV Experimental Separated-Orbit Cyclotron (p. 760)
by Worsham, R E
Nevis Synchrocyclotron Improvement Program (p. 764)
by Cohen, R
Choice of the Injector System for the 200 - BeV Accelerator (p. 767)
by Peterson, J M
RF System Considerations in Interlaced-Beam Injector Synchrotrons (p. 773)
by Tool, G S
Electron Beams from 1011 - 1012 Watt Pulsed Accelerators (p. 777)
by Link, W T
The Generation and Diagnosis of Pulsed Relativistic Electron Beams Above 1010 Watts (p. 782)
by Graybill, S E
Intense, Nanosecond Electron Beams (p. 789)
by Charbonnier, F M
Some Recent Developments in Vacuum Techniques for Acclerators and Storage Rings (p. 794)
by Milleron, N
A Vacuum Chamber System for High Radiation Environment (p. 804)
by Hanson, W B
A Ceramic Vacuum Chamber for a Fast-Cycling Proton Synchrotron (p. 809)
by Clee, P T
Experience with Metal and Epoxy Vacuum Chambers and the Development of Alumina Ceramic Vacuum Chambers at the CEA (p. 815)
by Hay, R D
Vacuum Behaviour of Various Materials with Radiation and Heat (p. 821)
by Gould, C L
Improvement of Hydrogen Pumping Characteristics of Penning Discharge Getter-Ion-Pumps (p. 831)
by Turner, C M
Economical Powering of a Large Multiplicity of Sputter-Ion Pumps (p. 836)
by Carides, T
Fast-Acting Valve (p. 838)
by Moenich, J S
The Engineering of Accelerator Facilities (p. 843)
by Gordon, H S
Operation of Accelerators Directly Off the Utility System (p. 849)
by Rohrmayer, A
Expansion of the Bevatron External Proton Beam Experimental Facilities (p. 854)
by Lou, K H
The Physical Design of a 200 - MeV Linac Facility (p. 860)
by Grand, P
Conversion of AGS Ring to Modular Construction (p. 867)
by Hoober, D
Modular Accelerator Design (p. 872)
by Tom, J L
Variable Energy Cyclotron (p. 876)
by McFarlin, W A
The Maryland University Sectored Isochronous Cyclotron - MUSIC (p. 881)
by Leboutet, H
Capability vs Cost for Servicing and Handling System Choices in 200 - BeV Accelerator Design Study (p. 887)
by Salsig, W W
Selection of Injector Synchrotron Parameters to Minimize Cost of the 200 - BeV Accelerator (p. 892)
by Selph, F B
Computer-Aided Recording of Control Wiring (p. 898)
by Featherstone, R P
Precision Alignment of a Large Beam Transport System (p. 903)
by Herrmannsfeldt, W B
Handling High Power Electron Beams (p. 908)
by Penner, S
Design, Construction, and Early Operating Experience of the SLAC Beam Switchyard and Experimental Areas (p. 918)
by Weidner, H
Beam Dumps, Energy Slits and Collimators at SLAC - - Their Final Versions and First Performance Data (p. 923)
by Walz, D R
System for Guiding a Relativistic High-Current Electron Beam (p. 928)
by Sherwood, W A
Water Cooled Targets for Intense Ion Beams (p. 933)
by Hanley, P R
Rotating Neutron Target System (p. 938)
by Booth, R
High Current Target for Positive Ion Accelerators (p. 943)
by Seiler, R F
A High-Power Windowless Gas Target (p. 945)
by Lidsky, L M
A High Power Positron Conversion Target for an Electron Linac (p. 950)
by Parkins, M F
Secondary Beam Targetry Developments (p. 955)
by Marcks, D F
Targetry Used on the Bevatron to Extract Secondary Experimental Beams (p. 960)
by Stone, K F
Radiation Problems with High-Energy Proton Accelerators (p. 965)
by Gilbert, W S
Residual Radiation Studies for Medium Energy Proton Accelerators (p. 977)
by Fulmer, C B
Induced Radioactivity and Related Measurements in a 3 - GeV High Current Proton Synchrotron (p. 980)
by Awschalom, M
A Survey of Radiation Doses and Induced Activity at the ZGS from September 1965 to September 1966 (p. 985)
by Lucks, H
Radioactivity Produced by a Linac (p. 990)
by Wyckoff, J M
Remote Maintenance Techniques Proposed for the 200 - GeV Accelerator (p. 997)
by Krevitt, R
Automatically and Remotely Welded and Removable Weld Flange Vacuum Joint (p. 1004)
by Voss, J M
The AGS Magnet Enclosure Beam Spill and Personnel Saftey Monitor (p. 1010)
by Distenfeld, C H
The NBS Linac Master Control and Personnel Protection System (p. 1016)
by Spokas, O E
The Control System for the Stanford Linear Accelerator (p. 1022)
by Mallory, K B
Computer Control of the Los Alamos Linear Accelerator (p. 1030)
by Butler, H S
Experiments in Computer Control and Analysis of the AGS (p. 1042)
by Frankel, R
Digital Computer Control of the Bevatron Inflection System (p. 1044)
by Lancaster, H D
The Multiplex Control System for the Cornell 10 - GeV Synchrotron (p. 1050)
by Littauer, R M
Beam Manipulation Equipment at the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (p. 1053)
by Trendler, R C
On-Line Computer Preparation of Tune Profiles of the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (p. 1057)
by Knott, M J
Instrumentation and Electronics for the SLAC Beam Switchyard (p. 1061)
by Scholl, R
The SLAC Beam Switchyard Control Computer (p. 1066)
by Howry, S K
Control of the Beam Spill at the PPA (p. 1071)
by Henness, J
Data Transmission Across High Voltage Interfaces Via Light Links (p. 1074)
by Budge, E C
Crossing High-Voltage Interfaces with Large Bandwidth Signals (p. 1078)
by Severns, R P
A Solid State Control and Logic System for Beam Handling and Ion Optics External to the NRL Isochronous Cyclotron (p. 1082)
by Gordon, S E
Control of Betatron Oscillations in a Cyclotron by Use of an On-Line Computer (p. 1087)
by Lösel, M E
Damping Coherent Oscillations in the AGS (p. 1091)
by Raka, E C
The SLAC Long Ion Chamber System for Machine Protection (p. 1096)
by Fishman, M
High Current Beam Scanner (p. 1099)
by Wegner, H E
A Low Frequency Beam Position Monitor (p. 1106)
by Johnston, L
Beam Monitors Based on Light Observation for the Beam Switchyard of the Stanford Two-Mile Linear Accelerator (p. 1111)
by Coombes, R W
AGS Injector Beam Monitoring System (p. 1116)
by Otis, A
Microwave Beam Position Monitors at SLAC (p. 1127)
by Farinholt, E V
Measurement of Charge Emission from Targets as a Means of Burst Intensity and Beam Intensity Monitoring (p. 1132)
by Budal, K
Plunging Faraday Cup System and a Slit System for Use in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron Short Straight Sections (p. 1138)
by Batch, R V
A Single Pulse Transverse Phase Space Beam Analyser (p. 1143)
by Sluyters, T
A Diagnostic System for Optimization of the External Beam Quality of the Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron (p. 1151)
by Lord, R S
Measurement and Monitoring of the Ejected Proton Beam "58" of the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 1155)
by Agoritsas, V
The CERN Storage Ring Project (p. 1161)
by Johnsen, Kjell
Storage Rings for Electrons and Positrons (p. 1169)
by Mills, F E
Microwave Electron Accelerators in the Medium Energy Range (p. 1174)
by Nunan, C S
Design Study on 1000 - GeV Cybernetic Accelerator and 1 - GeV Model (p. 1186)
by Vasilev, A A
The Serpukov 70 - GeV Accelerator (p. 1190)
by Myae, E A
Related Techniques in Thermonuclear Research (p. 1192)
by Kerst, D W
Present Day Electron Synchrotrons for Energies above 3- GeV (p. 1197)
by McDaniel, B D
Proton Synchrotrons for Energies above 20- GeV (p. 1204)
by Blewett, John Pauls
Automatically and remotely welded and removable weld flange vacuum joint
by Voss, J M

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