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ros_tutorials: roscpp_tutorials | rospy_tutorials | turtlesim

Package Summary

turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.

ros_tutorials: roscpp_tutorials | rospy_tutorials | turtlesim

Package Summary

turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.

ros_tutorials: roscpp_tutorials | rospy_tutorials | turtlesim

Package Summary

turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.

ros_tutorials: roscpp_tutorials | rospy_tutorials | turtlesim

Package Summary

turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.

ros_tutorials: roscpp_tutorials | rospy_tutorials | turtlesim

Package Summary

turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.

ros_tutorials: roscpp_tutorials | rospy_tutorials | turtlesim

Package Summary

turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.

ros_tutorials: roscpp_tutorials | rospy_tutorials | turtlesim

Package Summary

turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages.

Getting Started with Turtlesim

Start the roscore:

$ roscore

To install and start the turtlesim:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-$(rosversion -d)-turtlesim

Run turtlesim:

$ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node

You'll see the turtlesim window:

  • turtlesim.png


New in ROS hydro As of Hydro turtlesim uses the geometry_msgs/Twist message instead of its own custom one (turtlesim/Velocity in Groovy and older). Also the topic has been changed to cmd_vel (instead of command_velocity before).


turtlesim_node provides a simple simulator for teaching ROS concepts.

Subscribed Topics

turtleX/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • The linear and angular command velocity for turtleX. The turtle will execute a velocity command for 1 second then time out. Twist.linear.x is the forward velocity, Twist.linear.y is the strafe velocity, and Twist.angular.z is the angular velocity.

Published Topics

turtleX/pose (turtlesim/Pose)
  • The x, y, theta, linear velocity, and angular velocity of turtleX.


clear (std_srvs/Empty)
  • Clears the turtlesim background and sets the color to the value of the background parameters.
reset (std_srvs/Empty)
  • Resets the turtlesim to the start configuration and sets the background color to the value of the background.
kill (turtlesim/Kill)
  • Kills a turtle by name.
spawn (turtlesim/Spawn)
  • Spawns a turtle at (x, y, theta) and returns the name of the turtle. Also will take name for argument but will fail if a duplicate name.
turtleX/set_pen (turtlesim/SetPen)
  • Sets the pen's color (r g b), width (width), and turns the pen on and off (off).
turtleX/teleport_absolute (turtlesim/TeleportAbsolute)
  • Teleports the turtleX to (x, y, theta).
turtleX/teleport_relative (turtlesim/TeleportRelative)
  • Teleports the turtleX a linear and angular distance from the turtles current position.


~background_b (int, default: 255)
  • Sets the blue channel of the background color.
~background_g (int, default: 86)
  • Sets the green channel of the background color.
~background_r (int, default: 69)
  • Sets the red channel of the background color.


mimic provides a simple interface for making one turtlesim mimic another.

Subscribed Topics

input (turtlesim/Pose)
  • The input topic for the mimic node. The topic must be remapped to the pose topic of the desired turtle to mimic.

Published Topics

output (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • The output topic for the mimic node. The topic must be remapped to the cmd_vel topic of the mimicking turtle.

Turtlesim Video Tutorials

Python Tutorials

Linear Motion

Go to goal behavior

C++ Tutorials

Wiki: turtlesim (last edited 2020-10-02 01:28:51 by melwin)